I have finally conceded I need an electric riser-recliner. The social worker (we are old friends now) arranged for me to make a short(ish) journey to try one suitable for my size, weight (which is considerable) and mobility problems. Sounds good so far. The chair I tried was perfectly suitable. But I cant have it. As I understand it, the government have been introducing reform in the way these things work, to cut the red tape, streamline the process in order to reduce costs! Ok, still so far so good. Here we go then...
In the morning, a private company will bring me a chair to try out. Once again, if it is perfect in every way, I still cant keep it. No, no. They will take it away. I think they are just teasing. On Tuesday morning, ANOTHER company will bring one of theirs' for me to try out. You've guessed haven't you? They will take it away with them, regardless. So then 3 companies will send their quotes to social services, who will submit them to ?The Panel? (no idea), who will notify the Social Worker, who will instruct the lucky applicant. Then it will take 6 WEEKS to build it!
Now, from my 1st interview with social services this has already taken a few weeks to get to this point. 'Cause they are cutting red tape, reducing costs, etc.
Go on, have a good laugh, i've given up!