Can anyone help on this one please. Today I have heard on the grapevine that Fibromyalgia has been taken off the list recognised by the DWP now, if this is so then we are all up s..t creek with out a paddle?? HELP
Fibro and DWP???: Can anyone help on... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro and DWP???

firstly where did you hear this and secondly you only have to read the blogs here that tell of really recent claims being accepted from the dwp lower and higher
this may help
Someone on another site had put that its been taken off the list. Thats the reason I had asked the question on here to find out if the goal posts had been moved! Next I am aware with being on this site that people had been given awards for their conditions for DLA higher and lower rates also being put into the Support Group ESA! So I do read what people put on here, but as I say was asking if anyone had heard of any change!!
Hi there sad old red so sorry didn't meant to be so short with my reply but on a stressful day yesterday but I said that as a means to reassure you and with people receiving awards lately was the only way I knew how, waiting for my tribunal myself .
I'm not sure they can take it off the list. It's recognised as a real condition by the World Health Organisation. I know the DWP think they are experts in everything, but their ignorance is astounding.