I started having daily injections of Suprecur (Bureselin Acetate) a week ago but I am finding it a little difficult to adjust - is anyone else suffering from frequent nausea? They warned me about the hot flushes, but they occur so suddenly and are accompanied by the urge to throw up - I hadn't thought I would have to deal with that until I got pregnant! And I'm soooo tired... Is it just me?
Sick and tired...: I started having... - Fertility Network UK
Sick and tired...

Hi there pokedandprodded, I'm afraid I haven't had the same medication as yourself so I'm unable to offer any advice. I hope your symptoms pass, ease or become more manageable soon. X
Hi Speckiee,
Thanks for your support, it means a lot - I've felt so alone for so long.
hi pokeandprodded, i 've been injecting suprecur for 2 weeks and only side effects i've had are hot flushes at night which keep me awake!!! hope ur symptoms get better soon x
Hi Wanttobe,
Spoke to the clinic nurse this morning, the nausea could be caused by so many things but it's possible my blood pressure is dropping when I get too hot, making me feel queasy... it's a good theory, I'll run with it!
But nights are definitely the worst, too hot, too cold, flipping in and out of the duvet... coming to think about it, that's probably why I'm sooo tired!

Hi. Sooooo sorry to hear that you are suffering so much while taking Suprecur. The problem is, that you are “dampening down” your oestrogen levels, and in your case it is making you feel so tired and sick. Once you start your stimulating drug, you should feel better. Let’s hope that you don’t have to stay on it too long. Meanwhile, it’s off to bed early for you my girl! Regards Diane

Hi. Sooooo sorry to hear that you are suffering so much while taking Suprecur. The problem is, that you are “dampening down” your oestrogen levels, and in your case it is making you feel so tired and sick. Once you start your stimulating drug, you should feel better. Let’s hope that you don’t have to stay on it too long. Meanwhile, it’s off to bed early for you my girl! Regards Diane

Hi. That's good to hear. I must say, you make me "chuckle" with your "one liners"!! You will soon be back to your amazing self - I'm sure. Diane
Are you feeling any better yet?
I never found the down-regging phase too bad, just a few extra headaches - but because I have M.E, nausea and tiredness are part of my every day symptoms so IVF didn't make things much worse to be honest! The hot flushes can be hard to deal with - my last 2 cycles were donor cycles so there were 3 of us ladies involved in synching our cycles, was on Buserelin for 6 weeks each time before I got to take anything else and they do get you down. I hope by now that you are on to the next phase and feeling less sick and tired bless you! It will all be worth it you know - and this stage has at least got you prepped for the early days of pregnancy!!
Sending you lots of luck - keep us updated
Had to turn down a nice meal in a posh Italian restaurant tonight because of a headache. Felt like my brain was trying to tunnel it's way out using a fork. I was worried the other diners would be put off their pasta when my cutlery wielding noodle flipped onto the table and made a dash for the door.
Self preservation really, it's only trying to escape the heat. It's like a sauna in there. Poor thing's par boiled pink by now.
Damn, these painkilllers are strong...