I was positive going into the newyear.
On the 2nd January I started ivf. I attended my appointment and they said everything was prime to start. So with optimism as well as the reservation in the back of my mind me and my husband began.
I got up like clockwork to inject and followed the instructions to a T. At the first scan they were positive, they said that although they were small I had plenty of folicles and that I just needed a few more days but all my bloods were fine.
So faithfully I followed those instructions and attended this morning, they said that everything was set for egg collection wednesday or thursday. So imagine my surprise and despair when I called for results and they said that although my bloods came back at correct levels they were abandoning the cycle as they knew it would not be succesful. So when I questioned it further they could not tell me why other than they didnt want to waste my 1 funded cycle, they also could not tell me my diagnosis and why I was infertile. Simply they didnt have a clue!
I pushed for an appointment with the specialist asap and will attend next wednesday, but I have to say I was not told what to do now or what to expect regarding my cycle, will it go back to normal? Who knows.. I don't. But what I do know is that we cant try again for at least 2 months. The dr's and nurses seem to think this is a short space of time, but after 7 years of trying its an eternity.. they also don't know what they will do as they say the test result they get from me are misleading
If anyone else has had a similar experience then please let me know as I feel even more abnormal than usual and am wondering if it will ever happen for me and my darling husband.
For now a sad and dispondent