Appointment didn't go well on Monday. I was originally diagnosed with a poly cystic right ovary. Following a failed cycle they have now changed their minds. I had to be put on the highest dosage of drugs to stimulate my ovaries. Consultant said that I'm not poly cystic because on the highest drugs, my ovaries should have gone mad but they didn't. He now thinks that I struggle to produce eggs and that's why I needed the highest dosage. Chances of us conceiving naturally is very low. Unfortunately consultant said ivf is only option. We will have to pay for our next cycle, money we don't have. Part of me thinks it's obviously isn't meant to be then the other part says give it one more go so you don't have any regrets later in life. I'm feeling very low at the moment that's for sure.
Sorry for going on but it's nice to know people on this site will understand how I'm feeling which is some comfort. Thank you.