Hi everyone,I wanted to wish all of you amazing strong ladies the best in your IVF journeys! I know it takes so much strength to get through this. Sadly it was not meant to be for me and I'm at the end of my journey.
I had three pgt tested donor eggs (all 6 day embryos but supposedly 50-65% chance per transfer fail with one early loss and two negative pregnancy tests. Then my doctor said it was "just bad luck" and we "needed better quality embryos." She said a fresh egg donor would give us more chances so we chose a proven donor with children of her own. That cycle seemed promising as she had 28 eggs , of which ,27 were mature and all were fertilized. Somehow we went from 25 fertilized normally on day 2 to only 2 blastocysts on day 7. I don't know why the lab didn't freeze any of them instead of letting most of them die in the lab. The best 5 day 3AA was transfered this past November after an ERA was done and with autoimmune protocol. I supposedly had a 70% chance of success but that was a negative. Now I had my last 6 day 3BA blast transfered with the best lining I ever had at 8.7 mm triple 10 days ago and that was another negative. I'm heartbroken and angry because it seems that all these clinics do is take your money with false promises of success. I don't know why they didn't freeze any of the embryos earlier from our fresh cycle. I don't know what the future holds - I know miracles happen but it's the end of IVF for our family. Today everything just hurts too much and I just need to work on acceptance and being grateful for what I do have. Thank you all for being so kind and supportive during my IVF journey. Wishing all of you success.