Hi all, haven’t been on for a while as we hit a bump in the road on our ICSI journey. As I have mentioned in previous post I have low ovarian reserve and my DH has azoospermia. We intended to do a cycle that ended with his SSR and were given a 50/50 chance of them finding any sperm. Anyway Monday came for me to have my scan to check how many follicles I had and there was only 1 😔 I was devastated. We were told the news by a very unsympathetic nurse who then basically said there was nothing more that could be done and everything would be cancelled and our IVF journey was over. We were in complete shock! She then said as we were booked in for a scan on Wednesday anyway we could carry on till then for ‘piece of mind’ although it is very unlikely there will be any change as I was already on the highest dose of Menopur. We decided to carry on and when Wednesday came we had 3 more follicles!!! 😁 went in for EC on the following Monday and managed to get 3 good quality eggs to freeze! I guess I’m posting this as if we had followed the advice of that nurse we probably would have stopped the drugs that day and gone away thinking that was all hope lost. (And I’m so glad we didn’t!) Our plans have now changed to give us our best chance if they do find any sperm I am now starting my 2nd cycle to hopefully get more eggs to freeze then third cycle will have my DH SSR on the end. So still along wait until we will know if there is any sperm but we have hope back! I know it’s not the best post but just wanted to let anyone know who may have got the same news as us during the stims to not give up. We still have a long way to go but we will fight till the end! Wishing everyone lots of luck, hope and strength for their journeys 🤞✨🌈 xx
Well things didn’t go to plan...but t... - Fertility Network UK
Well things didn’t go to plan...but that’s nothing new! 🙄

Good on you for following your heart and sticking with it! Wishing you the best of luck that it all works out! X
What an amazing story. That’s really lovely and so inspiration to others facing similar challenges. Thank you for sharing. And all the best with the rest of your journey hope it’s your time 😘 xoxo

Thank you xx
Well done you! The nurses can be quite unsympathetic and very blunt but they are not always right. Good luck xxx
Ahhhhh that will show them.... well done you... i hope your journey brings a blesssing xx
Wow, I’m so glad that you went back for the next scan! Wishing you all the best for the next 2 cycles and the SSR x
Hi, I’m so glad you didn’t give up. I didn’t have great results on just menopur so my clinic switched me to a gonal-f and menopur mix, which I did much better on. Maybe look into this too?
I’m glad you have a plan... plans always make me feel better. Wishing you tonnes of Luck x
Thank you, yes I feel much better when there’s a plan, something to aim towards! I’ll mention the gonal-f when I’m next there thank you. Feeling really anxious about this 2nd cycle as it’s so soon after the first but going to put my big girl pants on and give it my best shot! Wishing you all the best on your journey xx
Thank you everyone for your comments, I wish you all the luck in the world for your journeys xx
Glad to hear your perseverance paid off and you have three good quality eggs banked so far. Well done. Best of luck now for the 2nd cycle xx
This is fantastic news - I'm so pleased for you that you decided to keep going. Did the clinic give you any indication of how they measure the egg quality? My clinic have always said that they aren't able to tell me anything about egg quality at all and can only assess embryos so I'd been really interested in any information you could share. Thanks and wishing you lots of luck with your journey. x

Hi, they didn’t tell me any specifics on the quality but I was told they have to be a certain quality to be able to freeze xx