What we're up to week commencing 20th... - Fertility Network UK

Fertility Network UK

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What we're up to week commencing 20th June 2011...

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Welcome to our new Blog home!

We are also now in the final stages of next weeks changes to the website, increasing the range of support services available to everyone experiencing infertility - and beyond.

There may be some downtime with the website on Tuesday, we apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused, please do use the telephone support available, our staff and volunteers are all here to help.

Clare and Sheena had an exciting start to the week interviewing to fill our current vacancies, we look forward to sharing news of new appointments shortly - but we can now share that Susan Seenan our current Communications Officer will become the Infertility Network UK Deputy Chief Executive from early next month.

Clare is also this week attending a meeting regards the new NICE Fertility Guidelines, attending an all day meeting with a new group called PREPARE, Patient Led Research into Early Pregnany and Reproduction and attending the I N UK Board Meeting this weekend.

Sharon is this week delivering a presentation to the Health Committee and meeting with Commissioners, she is also working with local members and implementing a social networking strategy for Infertility Network UK in Northern Ireland. Fiona is working with local groups and preparing information for a women's network.

Gwenda is also spending time this week looking at how the Scottish Branch can maximise the use of social networking, Gwenda is also promoting regional support groups and speaking with regional members, as well as following up funding enquiries.

Gwenda is also facilitating next weeks Monday night online support group. If you've not tried it before do drop in.

Hope you all have a good week

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Busy week!!!

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