We had an egg retrieval done on the 7th Feb with a rollercoaster ride which left us thrilled to have 5 embryos in the freezer. Due to me being at risk of OHSS we were given a nurse appointment 4 weeks later (last Wed) to plan our first transfer from this cycle.
I bled 5 days after the ER and then my following period was due the day before our nurse appointment last week (Day 30). I didn't want my cycle to start before the appointment in case that ruled us out of a transfer this cycle so I was (stupidly) relieved that it wasn't quite there yet. The nurse said to call when my cycle starts, if it had started within those few days following the appointment then our transfer would have been the week beginning 31st March (approx).
I am now on day 35 with no sign of my period. Pregnancy tests are negative (we can try naturally) and I am just so frustrated! It just feels like my body is taking the......... you know what. I know it is only a few days difference, but I am finding it a bit hard going from the hope of a transfer in mid-Feb to now April.
Send help! Did any of you see a long delay in second bleed after ER?