Hi All
I had my 5day embryo transferred on Feb18th (Frozen Embryo Trfr) and was asked to take pregnancy Test on Day14 - 03rd March. I did this with my first morning urine and it was Negative. Want to know from your experiences is there any hope that it would change in next 24 or 48hrs? I saw the instructions on the at-home pregnancy test (early detection one's) that they pick up hcg 25 miu/ml onwards and the average on day14 tends to be 137miu/l as per many sites on google. So, extremely disheartened and failing to have hope for next 24hrs or 48hrs but a part of me is probably also looking for some hope or miracle 😢
This embryo was the only one that survived to Day5 Blastocyst out of 4 that fertilised (7 eggs collected). ICSI performed. So, a failure would mean we will have to start the process again.
I've asked my clinic but would be great to hear either way from this community as we all are on similar journeys and i guess better understand our emotional state.