I am in a bit of an anxiety mess and feeling anxious about follicle numbers following my scan - I thought I may have more but clinic are happy.
I have just had my second scan (previous one was three days ago). I currently am on Day 7 (8th injection tonight).
At my previous scan I had 7 follicles -
1x 13mm
2 x 11mm
4 x under 10mm
Today I had 9 follicles 1
1 x 18mm
1 x 15mm
3 x 14mm
1 x 11mm
3 x under 10mm
so it looks like 2 extras have arrived however clinic is saying that they most likely will be too small to collect. Good news is that they are all growing.
I am booked in for my collection on Friday (today is Monday) as Wednesday will be too early.
It’s really hard not to compare however my numbers seem quite low and I was expecting to get more with the stims. Has anyone got any tips to stop worrying?