Hi, not to sure If this question has been asked before, but does anyone have any suggestions on taking supplements to better egg quality, I had one miscarriage and one BFN transfer even though they we're apparently good quality embryos so was just wondering, thanks in advance 😀
Suggestions on egg quality vitamins - Fertility Network UK
Suggestions on egg quality vitamins

I was told by my GP to drop the well woman stuff and swap to a more natural one that has methylfolaye in it. Check out Holland and Barrett will probably have options. Studies have shown that some women reject synthetic folic acid. Which it mostly is. Also cut out plastic packaging if you can for food as contains xeno oestrogens and I also dropped caffeine as that is a definitely fertility offender
CoQ10 and NAC are good antioxidants for eggs. Also omega 3s, vitamin D. xx
Thank you, will look into it now, I don't know why the clinic didn't tell me to take stuff as they suggested to my other half to take proxeed which he has been for 4 months, but it could of been my eggs all along, also i am taking folic acid and vitamin D for a long time now . Thanks for reply 🙂 xx
Your clinic must think your eggs are still good. Are you young? They might only recommend them to old farts like me lol (39 but feeling 49 after IVF) xx
If there was a laughing button I would of pressed it honestly 🤣 I am 29 and hubby is 32 he has low sperm count 12 mil and morphology at 2%, do you think it's weird to have 2 fails though with good quality or is it quite normal xx
I’m sorry you’re going through this. Has your DH had a DNA fragmentation test done/ seen a reproductive urologist? i.e. has anything been done to try and address the sperm issue or are the clinic just doing IVF/ICSI and hoping for the best? I’d look at that first before going too far with you. Always good to optimise egg quality but the numbers you’ve quoted point to mainly a sperm issue. Especially given your age.
I take Ovum as it has almost all the main egg quality supplements in one (those advised by It Starts with the Egg). I top it up with fish oil from bare biology as it’s cleaner than most and extra CoQ10, vitamin E, and magnesium (I have endo).
Best of luck xx
Coq 10 but i was told it needs to be ubiquinol. I got life extension brand. Also dhea but you need dhea-s and testosterone bloods first to see if this is necessary. Read the book it starts with the egg. Also mediterranean diet and exercise. No alcohol. I got pregnant at 40 naturally after 2 failed ivf cycles. X
coq10 600mg in ubiquinol form with lots of Vitimin D iswhat worked for me … but could also have been just keeping trying for that good quality egg I will never know but Ive tried lots of vitamins over the years and that’s all I was on to conceive current pregnancy (I would say ignore everything else and don’t read or read with a massive pinch of salt the ‘it starts with an egg’ book as it’s a bit much!!) xx
My egg and embryo quality increased hugely after I spent 7 months using the OVUM supplements. They are the best along with naitre, I think. I also took high dose of vitamin d and omega 3 during this time too. I am currently 19 weeks pregnant ♥️ after 3 years of trying, 2 cycles, 2 failed transfers and one successful! Xxxx
I took vitamin D, omega 3 and Impryl. Of course it’s hard to say definitively whether they helped or not but I had a successful pregnancy at 44.
CoQ10 (Ubiquinol form), omega-3s, and a Mediterranean-style diet for egg quality. Might be worth asking your doctor. Hoping for good news ahead for you. xx
I take ovum time to conceive as that’s got practically everything in recommended in the ISWTE book.
I take 400mg extra ubiquinol, 500mg NMD, inessa omega 3, bio.me femme v probiotics, extra 500mg vitamin c and extra 400iu vitamin e.
Good luck xx
I'm relatively new to all this, and have no way of knowing if my approach is working but did a lot of reading when I got a very low AMH result.
Ovum are best I have found:
I took Proceive Max as my prenatal, CoQ10, omega 3, magnesium, NMN and Optibac probiotics leading up to egg retrieval, then added L-arginine and L-carnitine after ER and before transfer. I made quite a lot of food changes too that am happy to list if you are looking into diet as well. My retrieval went well, but of course impossible to know if anything I did actually influenced it. I'd credit it with giving me a sense of control, even if a false one! Wishing you the best with it 🩷
Okay, thank you for all your recommendations there is a lot to look into, my amh came.back normal level, but of course I would want to enhance my chances, good luck to everyone who is also on this tough road still 😊 xx