Does the long protocol actually improve egg quality? My egg quality appears poor I've never done the long protocol but the doctor says the chance isn't only 13% hmmm confused. If it improves egg quality why is the chance so low xxx any advice xxx
Long protocol- egg quality: Does the... - Fertility Network UK
Long protocol- egg quality
Hi C what is your AMH? I've had 2 cycles with the long protocol and unfortunately I responded well but never for anything to freeze and both ended in mc although each time I had a 5 day 5aa transferred. Just about to start my 3rd cycle at a private clinic and theyre using the short protocol, going for quality over quantity xx
Aww I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm not sure what my amh is but I shall find out. I've done 2 short protocol. Both times a couple of eggs have fertilised. We manage one transfer ... bfn. Then the second time both embryos stopped divideing. They said it may be egg quality that we can do a long protocol but there's only a 13% chance . I'm just a bit confused I know what the long protocol is but don't get how u decide if u need long or short xxx good luck with your next cycle xxx
I had 3 cycles on long protocol as I have low ovarian reserve and then my consultant recommended changing to short cycle to focus on quality. I've always thought that long was to get a good quantity and short was more focussed on quality x
I don't think I have the low ovarian reserve it just seems to be the quality. Maybe short is best. The clinic said they want us to have a baby so are suggesting egg donor now but if there was anything I could do to get better quality xxx hope ur doing well xxx
Really interesting question and I'm sorry I can't help with a straight answer but I look forward to seeing what people say!
I might have an egg quality issue (have had 1 long and 2 short protocols). After IVF#3 consultant recommended swapping back to long protocol, but only to avoid dominant follicles which I've had for both short cycles. I saw another consultant and she recommended keeping to short protocol and doing some pre-treatment to avoid a dominant follicle.
I don't know the answer to your question but these are my outcomes so far:
IVF #1 - Long protocol, 6 eggs collected, 3 fertilised normally. Day 3 transfer of 2 so so quality embryos. Leftover embryo not good enough for freezing.
IVF #2 - Short protocol, 19 eggs collected (most were mature), 11 fertilised normally, most arrested or developed super slowly. Had 3 embryos left at day 5. Day 5 transfer of a so so blastocyst (cc quality) and 1 morulla. Other embryo not good enough to freeze.
IVF #3 - Short protocol, 11 eggs collected (only 4 mature) none fertilised!!
All the best for you xxx
Thank you all the bet to you too. It's so tough to know what to do for the best. I have had 2 short protocols
Ivf 1 4 eggs 2 mature only 1 fertilised. Transfer day 3 (not sure grade) bfn
Ivf 2 8ggs 5 mature 3 almost mature 2 fertilised both stopped dividing on day 2.
We have a male factor issue too. So I don't think that helps. Xxx