10 th failed IVF failed, how long sho... - Fertility Network UK

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10 th failed IVF failed, how long should one keep going?

Chantysal profile image
46 Replies

we just found out our 10 th cycle failed. it was a frozen cycle with PGT testing and still the period shows up today :s

at this point I just think the issues is that the eggs are never implanting cos we have had so many blastocyst transferred and still nothing, never a BFP

not sure how many more cycles I can take at this point.

when do one stop?

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Chantysal profile image
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46 Replies
Mlove12 profile image

Hi Chantysal,

I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a long journey which hasn’t yet been fruitful for you. I know its easier said than done but keep going, keep strong and focus on your dreams of parenthood💕

My understanding is that once the egg and sperm meet and form an zygote/embryo which then implants? So perhaps it could be an implantation issue if they are fertilising ok? X

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toMlove12

yes sorry I meant its not implanting. they are getting fertilized

Cinderella5 profile image

Oh my days sweetheart, I'm so sorry to hear this. I had a bit of a tough time too. Have you tried having an ERA test....its when they mimck an FET but instead of transfer, they do a biopsy to see if your uterus is receptive. I had this done and I'm sure this is at the bottom of our successful transfer as my biopsy showed I wasn't receptive on day 5 and needed extra time progesterone before transfer. Also high amounts of progesterone is another huge factor. Massive hugs.xxx

Ps. I got lucky on transfer 9.xxx

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toCinderella5

no we only did PGta testing and I was on leupron for a month cos I have adenomyosis and endometriosis and we did a Frozen transfer, acupuncture , all natural no chemicals , healthy food , exercise... so we did try allot of new things and still nothing, its just so exhausting all of it. we said if this cycle fails we would do the ERA test. im thinking I might want to get tested for killer cells. I just done what else to do at this point. :(

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply toChantysal

I'm not sure how things work in the US but I know they are super expensive. I had loads of test (equivalent of Chicago tests) and they didn't throw up anything major...just one or two small things. Due to that I begged to take steriods just in casebof NK cells....prednisolone and they gave in so between that, high dose progesterone, blood thinner and an ERA test we got there.xxxx

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toCinderella5

thank you, I was so excited for u I followed your journey all along and uv always been so supportive of everyone on this platform.

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply toChantysal

Thank you, that's really lovely of you to say. I guess I just want to give back when I had so much support.....this really was my solace and family for a long time.xxx

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toCinderella5

she said she would put me on steroids for Nk cells on this cycle which im excited about

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toCinderella5

I spoke to my doctor about the Era test and she didn't seam to believe it makes a difference and told me its my choice. the only thing I don't like is that it will delay the cycle an additional month:S we got a positive, which means it did implant but ended up in a positive do you think in my case Era test would of made a difference?

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply toChantysal

So the steriods are definitley a great step. I honestly can't say for sure whether an ERA would help or not....nobody can to be fair. I'd hate to lead you up the garden path. For me, I feel it was useful as we got our boys and hadn't got further than 6wks previously....in fact we hadn't even gotten a BFP without moving my progesterone timing so based on that I felt it was key. However I appreciate it is expensive and does delay things. The only other thing to push for is to make sure your progesterone is nice and high, lots of progesterone.xxx

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toCinderella5

the reason I was wondering is that if the timing was wrong would I still of gotten a positive.. but iv had so many negatives lol so maybe that should be a reason to do it

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply toChantysal

It's one of those double edged swords isn't it. We had a couple of positives but they didn't last. However it wasn't until we got our timing sorted out we got a sticky one but that of course could also be luck or coincidence?!🤷🏼‍♀️xx

Kimbob82 profile image

Has your Dr looked into why your embryos aren’t implanting Chantysal? What protocol did he have you on for this transfer? It sounds like it could be immune related if your getting day 5 blastocysts every time. I had seven failed transfers in a row, all BFN (Dr kept telling me it was a numbers game which it’s not!) before finding a reproductive immunologist who put me on an immune protocol and although I still haven’t had success, I had three chemicals since then so at least I know they are implanting. I’m on Intralipids, clexane, plaquinel and dexamethasone… have you read the book ‘is your body baby friendly’ by Dr Alan Beer, it’s specifically for women with repeated implantation failure and miscarriage. All the best, sorry I know it’s such a hard journey. I have my 14th embryo transfer next week x

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toKimbob82

this is exactly what I was thinking, I mean 10 transfer with blastocyst and not a single bFP its definitely not embryo issue. im going to talk to her about it just need the strength to go for cycle 11 :s

Kimbob82 profile image
Kimbob82 in reply toChantysal

I would have to agree with you, that it’s not an embryo issue … more likely the environment.

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toKimbob82

sorry ur having such a long journey as well, its not easy but I feel your very close to the finish line hang in there... my fingers are crossed for your upcoming transfer

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toKimbob82

did you do any test that shows that you needed to be on those meds?

Kimbob82 profile image
Kimbob82 in reply toChantysal

Yes, my reproductive immunologist did all the tests and I came back with increased markers for inflammation, natural killer cells, imbalance in T cells etc etc… I also have positive Anti nuclear antibodies which indicates sub clinical auto immunity… explained a lot after so many years of never seeing a bfp… I really can’t recommend the book enough, it answered a lot of my questions. Feel free to pm me x

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toKimbob82

im going to order the book. im going to try to go down that road at this point anything helps. will talk to my doctor about these tests as well

Kimbob82 profile image
Kimbob82 in reply toChantysal

Good luck 💗

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toKimbob82

just wanted to tell u that I got the book today that you recommended :)

Kimbob82 profile image
Kimbob82 in reply toChantysal

Yay!! I hope it helps you like it did me :) Please let me know what you think! X

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toKimbob82

will do :D

anonmous23 profile image

So sorry hun wow 10th one you are such a warrior.

Have you thought about doing Doner Egg? I just had a ecotopic from my 4th try.

Iv decided next one again when we do DE will send for PGS Testing and use embryo glue. I don't know 😕 it's just sad we we try again and again.

Are you using your own eggs?

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toanonmous23

I thought about it but my Dr said since we are getting eggs and they are blastocyst they don't want go that route yet ,,, ugh I donnooo I mean. think its an implantation issue not eggs at this point.

anonmous23 profile image
anonmous23 in reply toChantysal

I generally have to use DE now husband sperm very low but we do get embryos again just doesn't implant at all.

anonmous23 profile image
anonmous23 in reply toanonmous23

But don't give up make sure you give your body rest to. X

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toanonmous23

we have the same issue it never implants if you read the replies on this post they recommended to run test for natural killer cells. have you looked into that?its so frustrating I think just figuring out why its not working is so hard with unexplained infertility.

Hopecontinues profile image
Hopecontinues in reply toChantysal

Hi,So sorry to hear of your situation. I have had 5 failed transfers and that's bad enough. Someone recommended Fertilysis to me for the nk test because it's cheap and you can book a free consultation with them. I was on the phone to them for an hour asking lots of questions. They said to me that nk cells normally don't impact implantation, they contribute to miscarriage, but I could have the test to make sure. They don't believe in ERA and they think my problem could be thyroid related, so I'm now booked in to see a holistic doctor as my nhs doctor says I'm within normal range.

The other thing they test for is thrombophilia, but if you take Aspirin and clexane that should solve for that without needing the test.

I just knew my problem was implantation, so I had a hysteroscopy last year and they found a subseptate uterus, so I had to have that fixed, have you had a hysteroscopy?

I also enquired about uterine prp, as my last doctor said I needed it, but doctors in the UK think this doesn't work and is a waste of money.

There is so much conflicting information out there, it's difficult to know what to do. I really hope this cycle is successful for you.

Big hugs


Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toHopecontinues

thank you for the information I actually thought Nk cells is usually the reason embryos don't implant. I did have thyroid tested a while ago I remember that's not the issue :sI did take aspirin in previous cycles also didn't help :0

Hopecontinues profile image
Hopecontinues in reply toChantysal

It's such a mine field. I thought the same about nk cells which is why I was surprised at the comment. I might book the test anyway to make sure. It would be so good to know what the issue is, so we can do something to improve our chances.

Rol81 profile image

Just wanted to say I’m so sorry. x

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toRol81

thank you :(

Gabriella89 profile image

I agree with Kimbob82 this isn’t an egg issue. As well as everything she has already mentioned I would add on KIR receptor test ( I’m also on neupogen) and ask about a LAD test (LIT treatments) as well as a similar immune protocol. I recommend you find someone who really understands immunes, my first dr didn’t and although we pushed my NKC in my blood down to a good level they were too low in my endometrium so I couldn’t get implantation… I’m still not there yet (on my tww after 4th FET from last week) but I think you need to look at moving to a specialist in implantation failure and immune treatments. I would definitely explore these treatments before you give up….

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toGabriella89

thank you too much im taking so many notes so many things I could try this time which actually gives us hope

SCHNOW profile image

I think it is very important to do ERA EMMA ALICE NKC - NK cells both blood and biopsy tests to find out the implantation issues. Don’t give up. I did 8 transfers to have my son but he is the 12th embryo that was transferred. If I only transfer one each time, would be 12! Good luck!

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toSCHNOW

thank you so much will def look into the NK cell test

Sweethear profile image

I am so sorry for all you are going through. I read you have adenomyosis so sorry to say this adenomyosis could be the cause of in plantation failure you need to find a doctor how can treat this well before transfer I also have adenomyosis and it makes it very difficult to get pregnant please investigate this from going for more transfer sending you lots of love and hugs good luck

Koala365 profile image

So sorry to hear this. Have your Dr's done any of the tests for implantation failure? E.g. thrombotic risk profile, natural killer cells, Emma/Alice test. If you test positive for any of the implantation issues, they can treat you for them either before or as part of your ivf cycle depending on what the issue is. Sadly they don't seem to offer this as standard so many of us end up having loads of transfers before testing and wondering whether those previous blastocysts would have implanted and gone on to be babies if only we had tested previously. I know I am in that category and am close to the end of my journey now and wish I had known to test for these things sooner!

Chel91 profile image

I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. It's very similar to my own as I've been through 9 embryos and no success. Have you seen a reproductive immunologist? I see you're in the US? A lot of the testing might be covered by your insurance as they use immunology codes. Have you considered surgery for the endo? Have you had a biopsy for endometritis? All things to consider, these are honestly big reasons for most women who have recurrent issues so don't give up. I'm going down the immune route also, on a waiting list for a few different doctors. PM me if you need names. Best of luck 💕

Chantysal profile image

yes that's definitely what im gone look into .I did have a surgery years ago and it left my left ovary very weak. on top of endometriosis I have adenomyosis . our insurance was good honestly but decos ivy is so expensive we still ended up paying os much in Co pay and some tests were not covered like PGT test and the freezing and thawing etc..

SuzyL123 profile image

Sorry to hear this, I totally get it, we’ve had 7 failed rounds and are just about to start the work up for the 8th, but in my head this is going to be our last egg collection because I’m physically and mentally drained from it all now!I’ve always overproduced eggs but we’ve still always had multiple top grade 5 day blastocysts that just won’t implant (except for 1 miscarriage), our Dr won’t do the NK test because he doesn’t think it’s the issue, instead they have looked back at all our fertilised embryos over the years and seen that most of them are multi-nucliated which is probably what is causing my body to reject them!😩

We had genetic blood testing done but both came back clear, other than that he said there’s not much else they can suggest other than changing the protocol!

It’s just so frustrating feeling like we’re doing the same thing each time to just keep failing 😢

Chantysal profile image
Chantysal in reply toSuzyL123

yes honestly the doctors sometimes just repeat the same thing and expect and different outcome. allot of people here recommended NK cells test. if you feel that might be the issue do it, follow ur heart maybe with a different doctor?

Maui2020 profile image

Sorry to hear about the failed attempts. I had 8 failed transfers in a row. I used to get PTSD on test day! I couldn’t fault my clinic, but I did decide to change for my final cycle. I wanted a different perspective. I was watched more closely and we used different drugs and aimed for quality over quantity. I also took a complete shot in the dark and did NK cell testing, even though my Dr didn’t believe in it, so used my old clinic for immune treatment. I figured after 8 failed transfers I need to advocate for myself. 9th time lucky it worked with intralipids. I want to say don’t give up but make sure you’re trying a different approach each time. Good luck xx

SuzyL123 profile image
SuzyL123 in reply toMaui2020

Congratulations that is amazing news! I hope everything is still going well?🤞🏼They have gone for different drugs and very different doses again to try and get a low number of quality eggs, they still won’t consider NK cell testing/treatment at our clinic which I feel ok about when they explain why and that my OHSS is the problem and creating fragmented embryos, but then I see other peoples success stories with intralipids and get so frustrated that they’re completely against even trying!😢

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply toSuzyL123

All went well- thankfully I’m now holding my baby, so there is hope! Glad that they are trying something new at least. I am also prone to OHSS, that’s the tricky part in my opinion as the eggs were always there but when they pushed for quantity I got really very poor embryos at the end- and then they blamed my age (over 40) rather than protocol. It’s nerve wracking not having very high numbers of eggs when they do a mild stimulation but if definitely paid off for me. Good luck! X

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