Hi all, I’m on my second FET cycle now and wondering whether to take the entire 2 WW after embryo transfer off work or not. My clinic says I can return to work as normal right away. In the past I went back to work after a few days. This time I’m thinking maybe to take the full 2 weeks off. Does anyone take time off leading up to the transfer? I’m at that point of overthinking everything. Any recommendations?
Time off after embryo transfer - Fertility Network UK
Time off after embryo transfer

It's personal preference. I have done both. Straight back to work and staying off the whole 2 ww. I found easier being off when my husband was also off and we could be together. If you are off are you likely to relax and not constantly symptom spotting? Will you have enough distractions around you? Plan nice things to do, books to read films to watch and meals out for example.
If you go back to work then it may be worth to only take at least couple of days around test time. That was harder for me to continue as normal after a negative.

Hi. Perhaps take the whole day off as it is a medical procedure. Good luck with the decision making. Diane
Personally I've always gone back to work the next day as I need the distraction of working. I would go mad having the full 2 weeks off but guess it's personal preference.
I’ve done a bit of both xx I suppose it depends on your job.
My job is really physical so for my last two transfers i’ve taken the whole two weeks off. I’m not sure if it’s the same in your job but in mine because you’re classed as pregnant once you’ve had transfer sickness doesn’t go on my record. I just get a note off my GP x
Take the two weeks if you have enough annual leave. I took the two weeks unpaid as my employers knew about ivd. If you feel like you don't need the entire two weeks and your employers allow it, you can always return to work earlier. However I just find it nice to relax and take time off. I don't find working being a good distraction for me, if anything it was more stressful. Good luck and all the best!
hi, I have done the same as you before and just taken a couple of days off after transfer more for the psychological ‘test’ more than anything.
I’ve never had enough leave left to take much more but I think I would drive myself crazy at home for the full 2ww. Saying that, I work in a physical job so I did find the 2ww at work quite stressful and in hindsight it would be an important time to take time off and just relax a little more x good luck x
I’ve done two DE transfers, and for one of them, I just took a day off after the transfer and then went straight back to work. For the other, I took a week off after the transfer to really rest and focus on myself.
Honestly, both times felt fine for me. It really depends on how you’re feeling and what you think will help you stay calm. Some people find work a good distraction, while others prefer the time off to relax. There’s no wrong way to do this, go with what feels right for you. All the best with your cycle! xx
Thanks for all the replies! They’ve been super helpful. I work for a major consultancy and work is unpredictable and stressful. It’s not my favourite place to be but I am also weary that if I take the time off I’ll be overthinking every symptom. It’s been a long journey that started out with 2 early miscarriages (2nd required MVA a week after heartbeat), failed fresh cycle and failed first FET. I know there are tougher experiences out there but with my age (42) the potential reality is hitting me hard.
I haven't had anytime off as such. My only BFP was me going to work straight after a transfer which was my first FET. sadly ended in FET. My next FET I plan to take a week off