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Day 12 after embryo transfer and signs of period starting

CocoDisney profile image
8 Replies

Today is day 12 after embryo transfer. I’m due to take a pregnancy test Wednesday morning, however this morning I’m sadly starting to show the initial signs of my period coming.

I haven’t had any spotting at all since the transfer, and my period due date is today, so it seems too much of a coincidence. I’m usually on time (give or take a day or occasionally 2)

I’ve been telling myself throughout this 2 week wait, expect the worst, hope for the best, and yet I’m feeling utterly devastated at the moment. You can’t help but cling on to that tiny bit of hope, and now I feel like it’s all over, before I’ve even reached the pregnancy test. I have to go to work now, and I really don’t know how I’m supposed to make it through the day without having a complete breakdown.

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CocoDisney profile image
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8 Replies
Crazycatlady007 profile image

hi lovely just wanted to say I completely understand the the feeling of clinging on to hope and not knowing how to get through the day. Just wanted to wish you the best of luck with your test and really hoping it’s a positive outcome for you! Xx

minny_223 profile image

Just wanted to say that I’m thinking of you, and have everything crossed that you get a positive outcome. Big hugs xx

Mallorca89 profile image

Hi CocoDisney I am also in the same boat, I had my FET on Friday 30th, we have been told to test this Friday 13th.

I am driving myself crazy symptom spotting as well, but have just had a few sharp period like pains and so worried it hasn’t worked.

I would say try and keep as busy as possible that’s really helped me. I’m also not sure if you’ve tried acupuncture but that’s really helped me to relax, I have another session this evening.

I think we need to remember in this whole process to be kind to ourselves. Look after yourself and I have everything crossed you get your BFP soon 🩷

Wishinandahopin profile image

hi lovely, the transfer completely changes your period due date as the lead up is different. If your embryo is a day 5 embryo it would be 5 days before transfer. So 12 days post transfer is actually 17 days post ovulation- which would be a very long luteal period.

I would try as much as possible to breath and keep going. Or test now- many clinics test way before 14 days post transfer. Mine was 10 days post transfer.

Pregnancy symptoms can feel like period symptoms, but also the progesterone can mimic period like symptoms too so it’s really impossible to tell without testing.

I hope that puts your mind a bit at rest, and I will keep everything crossed for you 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Wishinandahopin

Thank you for your reply Wishinandahopin, I really appreciate it.

My egg retrieval was on the Monday and then embryo transfer was on the Wednesday, so only 2 days later. I had read that it’s usually 4-6 days, but at the time I didn’t think to ask why the procedure was carried out after only 2 days. I’m not sure if it’s due to my age, or the fact I only had 1 egg retrieved?

I’ve been told my chances are extremely low, even with IVF, as I’m older and my egg count is low.

I had some darkish discharge yesterday and also a few dark clots last night and this morning, as well as a bit of dark spotting this morning. I just feel like my period must be on its way. I’ve also had period type cramps and back ache the past few days.

It just feels far too coincidental, as my period is usually regular, and I’ve not had any spotting or anything until yesterday (my period due date)

I’ve tried to stay optimistic whilst being realistic at the same time, but yesterday was a really tough and emotional day for me, and I just can’t help but feel completed deflated, even though I’ve been telling myself I should prepare for the worst.

Sorry this post sounds so negative, I’m just struggling to feel any positivity at the moment.

Kate8877 profile image

I feel your frustration and anxiety. Had my only embryo transfer on the 30th of August, and had a BFN yesterday 😢 waiting for my hcg blood test, and till then still bearing a little hope 🙏

I assume you are on progesterone? In this case your period does not typically start until you stop taking it. And spotting actually can be a sign of embryo implantation! Just hang in there. It’s too early to throw the towel! Xx

Sunflower8686 profile image

Keep up the hope 🤞 hunn. It's so incredibly hard but you need to try and stay positive. It's such a difficult journey to navigate. Hopefully work will provide some distraction which is better than being at home with your own thoughts? Take care, wishing you the best xx

Doodlebug23 profile image

I had very dark spotting - more like lots mixed with discusses (sorry TMI) 2 days before my test day. Few cramps. Felt periody. Absolutely convinced it’s was a no. I’m now 26.5 weeks. Keep going, you’re almost there 🙏🏼

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