Hi, did anyone or still does suffer with high prolactin hormone levels due to pcos, I suffered with it in the past and took a medication called carbogoline, then stopped with advice from the doctor, I've now had a blood test come back high again after stopping it for 7 months. The question I want to ask is it says to stop once you get pregnant which I'm due to start my second cycle this month, but if I stop it won't my prolactin be to high and potentially cause a miscarriage as I had one last year so I'm very dubious about anything that might Highten the chance of course, is there an aternative medication that I can suggest to stay on while pregnant just for my peace of mind? Any feedback will be greatly received 😊 thank you
High prolactin hormone levels and ici... - Fertility Network UK
High prolactin hormone levels and icis success
hi there yes me. It was raised and my pituitary gland was fine. It was always thought I have pcos due to appearance of my ovaries and symptoms but because my other hormones at the time were medically fine they said I wasn’t - except prolactin was not normal. The registrar said my facial hair and acne were unexplained 🙄 and that my raised levels might be normal for me. Anyhow I started carbogoline and felt suddenly depressed so I stopped it. Fertility doctors didn’t seem to care. From what I knew prolactin can inhibit ovulation but that’s all. There’s no link to miscarriage. And I was ovulating so they didn’t care and whilst I did suffer a miscarriage from my first natural pregnancy from FET no. 2 I conceived my DH
Not sure if this helps but hope it does 🤞
Your situation is identical to mine, I had a scan and no tumour, all hormones okay apart from prolactin and they also told me I have suggested pcos as I have the pearl cysts on both ovaries but not many symptoms at all and regular periods thankfully. I only asked about the miscarriage because I've seen conflicting research online where some says there is a higher risk of complications when prolactin is too high, but then I've also read that prolactin should be high when pregnant so it's a good thing, none the less I'm so glad it's worked out for you, I hope it will be the same for me, thank you for the reply 🙂
Hi. Hopefully all will now settle and continue as it should. Good luck and I will be think king of you. Diane
Yes, not sure why they’ve mentioned increase of miscarriage because like you say prolactin may increase when pregnant but actually it’s when milk comes in… which is why a high amount can stop ovulation. Anyway I always was shown to ovulate so it was an anomaly and hopefully for you too nothing to worry about.
Hi, I also have “high”prolactine levels. Even if my levels were within the normal nhs range upper limit it was totally stopping my ovulation and options to conceiving. My GP didn’t want to prescribe carbogline to me so I discussed this with a fertility specialist who suggested using a natural supplement called Vitex Angus (400mgs once a day). It worked really well for me and I started ovulating!
This supplement is well tolerated and there is scientific evidences however there isn’t any information on how to use it during ivf so I had to make my own research and decide by myself how to use it.
I took it during my ivf cycle up to my transfer day and then stopped. I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant.
I hope that helps and I wish you the best with your cycle !
Hi, I will search this up as, of course, I want to look at all options, congratulations on your pregnancy I really hope it goes all smooth for you x