Hi, I would just like some advice please, I know no one on here is a doctor but just wanted to see what anyone's opinion was, I'm currently on estrogen tablets, 10 days into my second frozen embryo transfer and due to start progestrone Wednesday, now in the past I have had high levels of prolactin due to slight pcos, I was put on carbogoline medication and I've been on that for around 2 years, I've had my bloods checked throughout and they have been balanced so they have been working, my encrenologist decided to take me of the medication around 2 months ago as I got pregnant in my first transfer but then unfortunately had a missed miscarriage, I'm due to get a private blood test for prolactin at my clinic tomorrow but the nurse has told me even it it comes back high they will still go ahead with the transfer but I've read it can affect the chances of pregnancy as there is a hormone out of whack, I'm not to sure to see if I can cancel this cycle or continue as don't see the point if I won't get pregnant because of it, do I trust my clinic or decided for myself and can I even do that because I've started the process. ?
Embryo transfer and prolactin levels - Fertility Network UK
Embryo transfer and prolactin levels

Perhaps it doesn’t matter because it’s a FET and you are not trying to conceive naturally. I’m not sure but it’s worth speaking to your doctor about it. I had raised prolactin levels which were discovered post a failed FET. The doctor prescribed me levothyroxine which sorted out the imbalance relatively quickly. A month later I also conceived naturally whilst on the medication. I wish you the best of luck.
hi there I had “high” prolactin levels. I thought also due to pcos but whether I had it or not, no one could agree. One doctor would say I did another would say I didn’t. Anyhow, prolactin was the only thing that was high and the registrar just said sometimes what is high might be a normal level for me. They prescribed carbogoline but I felt it changed my mood instantly. I wasn’t happy taking it and the fertility doctors said it would be fine. I went through ivf successfully. My successful transfer wasn’t the first which was medicated but the second which was naturally modified. I was lucky I generally had regular periods so I was able to do that route but who knows really whether a second medicated would have worked. So the upshot from me is that they will monitor you and probably best not to take it (as the instructions say do not take if pregnant or trying). Just my opinion and good luck
Hi thank you for your replies, I think I might go ahead because I looked on a text message from my doctors and the last blood test they were slightly elevated but I can't remember whether it was before my first transfer I'm not sure, I will be sure to ask about levothryoxine if this one fails, I've asked about so many different medications I've heard about on here they will think I'm a professional 😂, I'm also in the same boat as you positivechangeplease, they have told me I have a few pearl shaped cycsts on my ovaries but I haven't got many symptoms of pcos and my periods are regular but I did struggle with irregular period all my life up until 2018 when I took medication to induce ovulation then they just corrected their self's! Gosh I wish I just had xray eyes to see inside my body, thank you for your opinions again, and all the best xx
Hey, I don’t think it takes too long for carbogoline to leave your body anyway. I just felt suddenly depressed when I took them and hated it. Like you my levels weren’t really high just higher than “normal” and like you I thought I had regular periods but then found out that I was only occasionally having irregular periods and anything between 25 and 32 days is considered regular. I have facial hair and spots somewhat - which can’t really be explained except for pcos. And on scans an enlarged ovary and cysts on the outside as expected with pcos but they never would properly diagnose me. The good thing with all my fertility scans is they could see I was ovulating and when I went through egg collection my dominant ovary was very good at growing the eggs. I can tell you I got ten good eggs, and from that 3 made it to fully fledged embryos. My second made it to now being 2 years old ❤️ and we do have one left but we’ll probably stop there. So don’t let pcos get you too down - it’s all possible. Good luck xxx
Yeah it definitely can mess with your moods, maybe carbogoline did mess with me but tbh I don't think I would of even noticed as I do have terrible mood swings always anyway lol, yeah I'm literally identical to you as when I had a scan they said my right ovary was enlarged to but obviously didn't matter to much as did get pregnant, thank you for your support and I'm so glad it has worked out for you! ❤️