I was diagnosed with high prolactin late last year after over a year ttc for which I was on Cabergoline. I’m on my second cycle and have had three positive home pregnancy tests, one of which was a clear blue digital saying, pregnant 3+ in soo happy!!! But then I’m struggling not to doubt it In case the medication had given a false/positive. I’m wondering if anyone has any idea whether this medication can do this? Or has been in the same boat? Tia
High prolactin / Cabergoline& + hpt - Fertility Network UK
High prolactin / Cabergoline& + hpt
Hey, I hope you are well. You might actually have gotten a positive. Therefore, just wait a few days and test again. Even if you think that it might be one of the medication they won't really show a positive sign all the time. Eventually, go to the doctor and get the confusion clear. Good luck to you. I hope things are in your favor. Sending baby dust your way.
Hi Loolui. The whole point of the drug is to reduce your prolactin level in the pituitary gland in the brain. This is important as it is a hormone that needs to be at a normal level the same as the others. I feel you can take your test strip as correct. Hope all continues to go well fr you. Diane
Thank you Diane, yes it’s as I thought. I think because of our trials with ttc my partner and mother were both saying are you sure the Cabergoline won’t interfere with a test which as you explained above that’s the whole point of using it, to lower prolactin so I ovulate. I think they just put doubts in my mind. After the comments I feeling very positive and hopeful that this is finally it 🥰😊 thank you for reply. Well wish to you Xx
I have the doctors tomorrow but I’m feeling less hopeful as I have started bleeding not just spotting ☹️ I’m pretty sure I’m having a chemical miscarriage 😢