Hi everyone,I'm thinking of trying a natural cycle with a frozen embryo transfer (a day 5 or day 6 embryo) after our fresh transfer failed (donor eggs). I believe a natural cycle would be milder and more gentle to the body (although embryo quality remains the main factor).
When I asked my ivf clinic (based abroad) if we could try a natural cycle with frozen embryo transfer instead of a medicated one, they said because my AMH is very low (I'm 42), it would be a bit of a challenge for them to schedule a natural cycle. So they suggest I take Letrozole 2.5mg twice per day from day 3-7 of the cycle. I don't think I have an issue with ovulation as I ovulate every month. So I don't feel like there is a need to take Letrozole or anything else apart from progesterone.
The clinic also said the ERA test is not recommended for me as I had been pregnant 3 times before (all ended with a miscarriage) so they think I shouldn't have a problem with implantation window!
- Did you have to take Letrozole with a natural cycle?
- How was your natural cycle outlined (timeline, what was involved in the cycle, ovulation monitoring, progesterone etc)?
-When did you start taking progesterone?
-How much progesterone are/were you taking?
-When exactly did you have your frozen embryo transfer with a natural cycle?
-Did a natural cycle work for you (successful pregnancy)?
Any input would be much appreciated.
Many thanks