Embryo transfer: Best to do with a na... - Fertility Network UK

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Embryo transfer: Best to do with a natural cycle or a medicated cycle?

Corchi profile image
38 Replies

Hi ladies,

Its me again. What are the pros and cons of doing a frozen embryo transfer with a natural cycle or a medicated cycle? Any advice or thoughts or experiences would be helpful thank you <3

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Corchi profile image
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38 Replies
RhinoCat profile image

The only person I know who had a natural frozen transfer got pregnant 🤷🏼‍♀️ she had fresh , medicated frozen that alllllll failed etc had several factors at play and in the end her natural one worked 😁😊

I’ve only ever had one medicated frozen and it failed 🤷🏼‍♀️

Hopefully other ladies with more experience can advise .

What does your clinic think ?

Corchi profile image
Corchi in reply to RhinoCat

clinic said that medicated is one small step above natural when there is a choice. Some women do not have a choice as their cycles are not optimum. Mine is so he gave me all the facts but said its one step up more succesful to do medicated as more controlled. I would just love some more imput from women who have gone through it. Ideally i would like to go through this once (i know aming for the moon or stars or whatever that expression is lol)

Lauracat profile image

I just had my medicated FET cancelled due to thin lining. On my fresh transfer lining was 11mm so I know I can get a lot thicker! I was on meds for 18 days and only got to 6.9mm - although meds got increased it never made much difference!

I will be trying natural next! Xx

MrsH86 profile image


I’ve had a natural FET but not a medicated one so can’t compare but can offer my pros/cons of natural.

The 2 strangest things about it were:

1. Never being 100% sure it would go ahead as even though I had a pretty steady cycle and ovulation you do wonder what if this time I don’t ovulate.

2. No drugs made me feel like I wasn’t doing anything 😂. Prior to this I’d only done a fresh IVF cycle so doing a natural cycle I felt a bit like I was doing absolutely nothing comparatively. I even decided to use my own ovulation sticks despite the clinic monitoring ovulation just so I had something to do 🙈.

Best things:

1. No drugs = no drug side effects 😊

2. Felt a bit more in tune with my body during the 2ww as didn’t have the whole drugs vs pregnancy symptoms debate (still drove me crazy tho 😂)

3. No medication fee and as I am with access and have paid upfront essentially no cost for the round.

4. Don’t have to worry about coming off the drugs

5. Got a BFP and seems to be working out so far 🤞(touch all the wood!)

I wasn’t 100% sure I trusted my body beforehand but gave it a go and now very glad I did. However I can understand the added safety of a medicated cycle. Sending you all the luck whichever FET route you end up on ♥️ x

Corchi profile image
Corchi in reply to MrsH86

thank you so much that was so imfomative!!! My doctor told me no side affects but I hear what you are saying. Congratulations on your BFP!!!

MrsH86 profile image
MrsH86 in reply to Corchi

Aww thank you 😊. It was a tough decision for me so totally understand. If you have any more questions that come to you just let me know. In the end I just prepared myself that maybe it might happen and maybe it might not but that at least if it didn’t then I could focus on doing a medicated FET on the next cycle x

Corchi profile image
Corchi in reply to MrsH86


RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to MrsH86

Unreal info 🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟

MrsH86 profile image
MrsH86 in reply to RhinoCat

Aww thanks ❤️. Luckily it was just in January so still in recent memory, if I had to recount tales of my fresh cycle in August (or was it September?!) I’d be struggling 😂 x

in reply to MrsH86

Hi Mrs H86, congratulations on your BFP, that’s great news. Did you have to take any progesterone? Luteal phase support after ovulation? Also was it one or two embryos transferred? I hope your pregnancy is going well xx

MrsH86 profile image
MrsH86 in reply to


I didn’t have progesterone but after transfer had a 1/3 of an Ovitrelle pen injection for luteal support (I don’t really know the science behind it 😂).

It was just one embryo, I think because of embryo quality, my age and that it was only my second go the clinic were pretty strict on single embryo transfer, I have always wondered though at what stage two would be recommended.

Are you doing an FET? x

in reply to MrsH86

Oh interesting, was it just a one off injection? So I feel like I’ve done it all but nothing is working! 😢 maybe it’s not meant to be... had a fresh ICSI transfer -BFN but had 5 frozen. First transfer was a ‘natural’ FET but after ovulation they started me on lubion injections and 4 passeries.... again BFN. Recently had a medicated FET and third BFN! Got 2 frozen still from the same cycle and previously the consultant said if all fails, they would put the last two together as one of them is a day 6 embryo so not as good quality as my previous 3. Trying to stay positive. Going for my review appointment on Monday and thinking of asking for a completely natural cycle as I really didn’t like the medicated one. Usually my cycle is very regular (before I started all this ivf stuff). I liked the control the medicated cycle offers in terms of takin time off work but then the side effects of the medication really affected me in this last run and when it didn’t work... I wonder if it was even worth it 🙈 sorry for the long reply

MrsH86 profile image
MrsH86 in reply to

You really have been through it with the options - I’m so sorry they haven’t worked so far. Hopefully at your review appointment they’ll have learned from your most recent cycle and help formulate a plan that will work. I 100% know what you mean about medication on my fresh cycle I felt rubbish (although also had late onset OHSS 🙄), especially if it doesn’t work out it makes it all the worse that the medication made you feel bad - the things we go through 🙈. It certainly sounds like it would be worthwhile mentioning a natural cycle again at your review appointment, at least if they say no they’ll have to have a reason for it. The injection was a one off that day and then weeks later when I had a scan it showed in my right ovary that that was the ovary making the hormones and supporting the pregnancy which I thought was pretty cool 😊 x

in reply to MrsH86

Thanks for your reply. Yup... the things we go through 🙈 and my husband keeps calling me ungrateful and unreasonable when I’m upset 😡

MrsH86 profile image
MrsH86 in reply to

Pfft give him an angry face from me too 😂😂 x

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to

You have every right to feel upset and we are all here to support you! I send him an angry face too... what a thing to say! He has some nerve 😡xxx

in reply to Keepingfaith85

I know it is very difficult to think I am actually going through this because of his low sperm count as well! He has a weird way of being supportive or just do not understand it all! Thank you girls, I am so glad to have found this community :)

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to

Maybe he's finding it stressful and taking it out on you? That absolutely does not excuse his behaviour though! It's male factor for me too and I would feel incredibly hurt if my husband said this too. This whole thing is so tough xx anytime you need to chat please do pm me

in reply to Keepingfaith85

Aww yeah I just looked at your story, we seem to be in similar situations, I hope your TWW is going well and you can tell us some good news soon :) :) How long have you been waiting between frozen transfers?

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to

Aww thank you. I had my transfers in September, December and now Feb. I hope I get there eventually 🤞 xx

in reply to Keepingfaith85

Oh that’s great, I feel like I just want to do the next transfer already and be done with it 🙈 no patience! Just finished my withdrawal bleed so I’m hoping they agree for me to go for it in my next cycle. Are you just having single transfers done? Sending you lots of luck 💕💕

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to

I hope you don't have to wait too much longer 😘 It's good that you want to get going again I'm like that too, just gotta keep going! Im having single transfers so far. I have two frosties left after this so would rather have 2 goes than put all my eggs in one basket (excuse the pun 😂) Thanks, sending you lots of luck too 💕

in reply to Keepingfaith85

Is your clinic giving you any reason for things not working? Are they changing the protocol of each transfer? I just do not know why things don't stick in me...... so far everything goes to plan and doctors/ nurses are very positive but it doesn't work! But I guess its a game of luck and fate which no one can control.....

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to

Not given any reasons but they have tried to rule things out so I had blood tests done after the last failed transfer. They all came back fine though. They just said likely that the blastocyst was genetically abnormal. My second one didn't re-expand after the thaw so that helped to explain that one a bit but I was gutted as they were both top grades. My medication has been altered so that's helped me to feel that this one could be different 🤞I've never been pregnant so have no clue! 😂 Xx

in reply to Keepingfaith85

Yup same here, never been pregnant before. They keep giving me more or less the same stuff which dampens all my hope.... I’m planning to ask for things to be changed just for my own sanity. My first frozen I was told was 95% successful thaw (not too sure what that actually means!) second one remained the same..... still waiting for the one which actually sticks 🤗 and the journey continues!!

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to

Have you had any tests? I would ask them to investigate further if not and yeah I would want a change of protocol too xx it can all be chance but it feels good to change things up a bit

in reply to Keepingfaith85

No extra tests since I started my cycle, no... they just said it’s likely to do with defective embryos! Where is your clinic based at? Are you doing yours through NHS or private?

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to

I'm based in Birmingham and mine have been with a private clinic. I have a lot of trust in my clinic despite all the negatives so they must be good! X

in reply to Keepingfaith85

That is really nice, I can't say the same about my clinic, unfortunately! I'm in London, my initial cycle and first frozen transfer was NHS but now we are paying privately. I think if my last transfer fails, I will look elsewhere if I decide to keep going....... P.s. I love Birmingham, spent 6 years of my life living and working there and wish I could move back!

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to

Yeah that sounds like a good plan. You must have some great clinics in London. The one I'm with has a branch in London too. I hope your next one is successful and you don't have to change though 😊Ah that's nice that you used to live in Birmingham. I love it here too xx

Tugsgirl profile image

I had just one medicated fet and the rest were natural modified fets. I had the worst migraine of my life when I went down the medicated route. I ended up in hospital after my gp sent me there. I vowed never again. If you have regular cycles and ovulate fairly consistently I’d opt for natural xx

Corchi profile image
Corchi in reply to Tugsgirl

Hi thanks for your advice what medication exactly made you the headache?

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Corchi

It was the Buserelin xx

Corchi profile image
Corchi in reply to Tugsgirl

I’m not going to be taking that

MissSaoPaulo profile image

I did a kind of medicated FET but with no downregging, just starting the progynova on 2nd day of cycle. I've heard of a lot of people suffering on progynova but it didn't bother me, although the progesterone made me very moody for a while when I started it.

It was convenient because transfer could be scheduled ahead of time so was easy to manage without OH or me taking time off work.

I haven't any experience of a natural FET. I think I'd be intimidated by having to track ovulation, but it'd be nice not to have to bother with the medication. Even now, when my baby's 6 months old, I still wake up in the night sometimes panicking that I've forgotten to take something!!

Good luck whichever you decide xxx

Corchi profile image
Corchi in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Yes I’m leaning towards medicated just because I read you could miss ovulation or have no ovulation and then have to wait till next month! Plus since not monitored my doc could be out of town and I don’t want someone else doing it!

PenneyPots profile image

Hi Corchi, I only have experience of medicated. I was prescribed progynova, started with 2 a day, then increased to 3 and then 4 a day. 5 days before transfer I started the cyclogest pessaries twice a day. Had a frozen transfer. (Obviously thawed) don’t know why I felt the need to clarify that 😂

Carry on both oestrogen and progesterone until I’m 12 weeks pregnant. (Yes it worked) hi I’m Sammy, I’ve been stating the obvious since 1986!

I have a bit of bloating and go for a no 2 like clockwork every single morning, I’d say that’s my only side effect. I have to run to the loo. Tummy is a bit bloated.

I am usually a moody person with any sort of added chemical hormones but with the ivf it’s seemed to balance me out a bit. (Except for those down regs at the very beginning)

Good luck x

Corchi profile image
Corchi in reply to PenneyPots

Thank you ! Thank congratulations how exciting!

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