morning all just a quick question, I know we are advised to avoid caffeine but I drink decaffeinated tea is that ok to drink or should I cut it out altogether and just have hot water in the run up to my transfer on Friday?
trying to do everything right - Fertility Network UK
trying to do everything right
decaf tea will be absolutely fine as far as I am aware.
We were always told to limit caffeine to one cup of coffee or tea a day so I think there is a little wiggle room anyway
Rooibos tea is also a nice naturally caffeine free alternative as well when craving tea/coffee if you have concern about any residual caffeine in decaf tea
Best of luck on Friday!
Some people completely cut it out but the advise is you can have some but not too much. I had one coffee or one tea a day and the rest of the time, I had decaf 😊
Decaf tea is usually fine to have, especially since it has only trace amounts of caffeine. Many people stick with it through the lead-up to transfer, as it can feel comforting without adding caffeine to the mix. Just check the ingredients if you can, as some decaf teas may still have small traces, but it’s generally considered safe. If hot drinks help you relax, a bit of decaf tea could actually be a nice way to ease any pre-transfer nerves. All the best for Friday!
It's ok, don't worry! I Wish you all the best xxx
I think the official advice is to have less than 200 mg of caffeine per day when pregnant. We did the maths and I think it came to two cups of black tea. Good luck with your transfer!
Oh I just assumed decaf coffee was okay but maybe it’s caffine level means I should limit it also as starting another fresh cycle this week. Advice welcome. 🤗
I've been told decaf coffee is fine by my drs but my holistic practitioners told me the filtration system is what to be aware of. I buy decaf coffee made with a water filtration system as the other method is chemical filtration.
It's so hard no to overthink, if you find yourself worrying about it maybe switch it out with a nice organic leaf herbal tea. I'm having spearmint atm, apparently it helps balance your hormones. Good luck for Friday I have my fet scheduled for Monday too 🙏
ohh we grind our own decaf beans and use a stove top- I was a serious coffee drinking before all this IVF stuff so the idea of living without is a wee but daunting 🙈😂 but maybe then I’ve bypassed the filter worries… 🤞🤯😳😂🙈🤞
hi all thanks for the advice re decaf tea and have decided to limit myself to 1 or 2 cups a day rather than my normal 4 or 5! Just to be on the safe side. Well am just off for my final transfer today (last frozen embryo available) is anyone else joining me on the dreaded 2 week wait? Xx
I had my transfer today ❤️ wishing you the best of luck 🙏
Thanks Vassi and wishing you all the best too. I’ve not had many symptoms yet other than not sleeping and slightly sore breasts but it’s early days yet. Trying to eat healthily stay as relaxed as possible and what will be will be. Keeping everything crossed 🤞🏻 for us both and hope you’re doing ok? Xx
I'm doing good thanks. Early days but that sounds promising! Me too keeping everything crossed and looking forward to seeing positive news xxx
Hi Vassi
How are you doing? My clinic has said for me to test tomorrow which will be 10 days after my embryo was implanted and in a way feels too soon. I’m feeling pretty anxious about everything as it’s my last frozen embryo & I’ve not really had any symptoms other than being tired and the occasional stomach cramp which has been the same as the last 3 failed rounds. I’m dreading the urine test in the morning but trying to stay positive and hope for the best. When is your test day and hope you’re doing ok? xx
I'm doing ok thank you, trying to stay positive but also feeling the same as my failed transfers- cramps, back pain, bloating, pms basically. These symptoms started early on for me so this tww has been tough.
My official test date is Thursday which is also 10 days pt, I'm in two minds about testing before that. I can relate to how you're feeling, It's also my last embryo and I don't know what the next steps are if this doesn't work.
I hope you have some support for tomorrow? I'm thinking of you and praying we get our positive 🙏 ✨️ ❤️
Hi I can’t quite believe I’m writing this but I’m pleased to say we got a very faint positive line when we tested this morning. Won’t believe it fully until I’m tested by the GP but it looks like we may have saved the best embryo for last. Still very early days and I was so not expecting any line this morning but finally allowing myself to believe I may yet be a mum. Hope your test goes as well and keeping everything crossed 🤞🏻 for you x
Oh what wonderful news congratulations! I'm so pleased for you and I hope all continues to go well 🙏 it's quite the roller-coaster isn't it. I test tomorrow and feeling nervous now. Thank you also for your kind words ❤️
Hi Vassi I’ve been wondering how your test went this week and hope you don’t mind me asking.? Although we got a positive on Wed I’ve still not allowed myself to fully believe it until I see my gp for a test tomorrow so still keeping everything crossed that faint line was correct. 🤞🏻 Hope you too have good news to share xx
I wish I did, I had a positive first test on Thursday but my hcg was very low. Had another test today and just got the news that its negative. Im heartbroken but trying not to lose hope. Thank you for checking in ❤️ I have everything crossed for you lovely stay positive 🙏 keep us posted xx
Hi Vassi well I’m pleased to say I had another positive test at the GP this week and am booked in for a 6 week scan on the 16th. Other than a few stomach cramps and tiredness not much other symptoms so hoping all is continuing to develop well in there. I’m really sorry you got a negative test on the second try, have you done anymore since as they can be wrong sometimes. Hoping you get some positive news soon 🙏 xx
I was drinking decaf coffee throughout my successful treatment and I now have a 4 week old. We weren't actually told to cut out caffeine, but I did it because caffeine doesn't really agree with me. Decaf shouldn't be an issue but, if you're worried, it's probably best to cut it out so you don't worry about any possible side effects during treatment. Best of luck! X
I’ve always been told that decaf is fine. We try so hard to control what we can (diet, lifestyle, vitamins, accupuncture etc) but ultimately, in my opinion these efforts have little to do with the final outcome. If that egg has the power to create a baby it will, just my thoughts. So we may as well go easy on ourselves, yes do all the right things but science will be the determining factor - just my opinion. Best of luck xx