After three failed cycles (one failed transfer, one pgta abnormal embryo), I’ve booked a consultation at a different clinic to see if a new perspective might help with any tweaks to my future cycles. While I’m generally satisfied with my current clinic, I’m not sure they are tailoring protocols as much as I would like. Thus, I’m looking for advice to take to my current clinic.
Wondering what specific questions (if any) I should be asking, if anyone can help?
Some background: About to start the first of three new cycles with pgta testing. 43, low AMH of 0.8. I know my chances are not the best, but I’m determined to optimise my chances with my own eggs.
So some things I’m going to ask about:
- Any alternative drug options and dosages.
- Mild ivf, perhaps if these cycles don’t work - experimental approaches/add-ons (as long as reasonably affordable and safe)
- analysis of blood test results including pre-ivf blood tests
- extra supplements and nutrition
If (hopefully when!) I find a euploid
-biome tests
- immune tests
- the various tests to check if tubes clear/biopsy
- mock transfer
I’ve chosen a doctor who is known for being thorough and proactive, so hopefully I won’t need to ask heaps of my own questions. But also want to get my money’s worth from the consultation. Any tips would be most welcome!