It’s hard to reconcile that this may be the end. The facts, I’m 42 with low amh (3.0 when tested over a year ago). Partner had cancer so sperm was frozen 20+ years ago meaning fertility help was our only route. Tried 3x IUI and 2x IVF. Due to age this is all self funded. First round I got only 1 egg which fertilized and made it to a decent blastocyst. And second round got 2 eggs, one giving us a day 5 morula.
Both times were not successful. In hindsight perhaps I should have done more research as information supplied at the time was minimal. I took a standard multi vitamin as suggested and that was it apart from managing to keep stress low. Doing ‘post failure’ reading of all other ‘stuff’ I could have tried like other vitamins, supplements etc, I’m not sure if any of these could have helped or if the margins are so small that it all comes down to luck.
My partner is done and we agreed to stop at 2 rounds due to finances and the fact odds are massively against us. The consultant pretty much said our likelihood of an another round ending with a negative is very high. But the ‘what if’ question remains. Has anyone else experienced similar? Wondered if we get a second opinion before we stop?