Hi everyone!
Following my recent miscarriage, I was very keen to try and move forward - definitely part of my healing process.
The miscarriage happened and I am yet to have my first period, but have now had a negative pregnancy test. I have been tracking ovulation and can see that the tests were still showing ‘positives’ while hcg was still present. They then progressed to show nothing and now are showing high fertility so I think things are on their way to getting back to normal.
I had a discussion with my consultant earlier this week who asked how quickly we wanted to try again with a new cycle and I said as soon as possible so we have made plans to start again from my next period.
This would mean no interim period which I thought (and was told by the nursing staff) was the standard way forward.
I’ve done some googling and it says there are no issues with this and obviously I trust my consultant but I wondered if anyone else had done this and jumped straight back in and would be happy to share their experiences?
thanks for all your help and support, especially during my miscarriage - it is amazing having you all to talk to xxxx