Hi ladies, this community has helped me a lot in this tww experience. 1st transfer is a biochemical. Then I was diagnosed with APAS and is ongoing treatment. I had my 2nd FET 7 days ago. Got my bfp at 4dp5dt. Having on and off cramps, sometimes mild, sometimes really bad - like af little but noticeable sore boobs, like af again. Had my beta yesterday 6dp5dt that is quite concerning me. 13.9. I am hanging in here and giving it time but it's getting harder each day. I want this baby so badly.
6dp5dt bhcg 13.9, am i still okay? - Fertility Network UK
6dp5dt bhcg 13.9, am i still okay?

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This is a very stressful time - hope you have people around you for support Best wait for OTD before testing again Look after yourself -eat well - drink plenty of fluids Try to keep yourself busy Take any meds you were given as directed
Thinking of you
6 days after transfer is very early to have a HCG test done IMO. The earliest I ever had it was 10 days. I would retest your HCG in a few days time to see the trend. Lots of luck to you
Please i need help. I repeat my hcg today and it dropped to 10.07
6dp5dt - 13.9
9dpt5dt - 10.07
But my lines in HPT is getting darker. I contact my immunologist but she said she can't do anything about it. Where before transfer she said she had had successful pregnancies with just 3 beta. I am so angry, and sad. My world crushed and i dont know what to do..please help me please
I'm sorry that you have a lot of uncertainty at this time. It is very stressful. Many of us on here have had HCG which has dropped and sadly it is often a sign of unviable pregnancy. However as tests are getting darker I would maybe take another blood test in a few days to see the trend. In the meantime try and spend some time with loved ones who can support you
Here's my HPTs
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I hope and and pray things work out for you. I know how difficult this part is. The lines seems to be getting darker and definitely darker than my 9dp5dt so got everything crossed for you. X
But why is my beta hcg dropping? Is this really possible?
6dp5dt - 13.9
9dp5dt - 10.017
Update: got my 3rd beta with my ivf doctor and tommy surprised, 200! What happened yesterday is an unnecessary stress! I almost didn't continue my meds! I don't want to point fingers but i guess the laboratory mistakenly type in 10.017 instead of 100.17! Wtf right?!
Continuing now with my pregnancy and hopefully this continues. I am still quite mad with the typo error (so i assume) but yeah, thank God for this blessing! Thank you ladies for the ever support!
6dp5dt - 13.9
9dp5dt - 10.017 (i assume 100.17, very epic!)
10dp5dt - 200
Gosh! How stressful! Well done for pushing forward, so glad that your beta looks so good. Wishing you a smoother journey from now on 🍀🙏