I couldn't wait any longer, this is our second IVF round and second transfer and I've been feeling the pressure because we have male factor AND my AMH and AFC is so low despite only being in my early 30s, so time is running out for us and the chances of success for us was low. I've been feeling really strong period cramps and thought 'damn it's over here comes AF' and I didn't have any implantation bleeding so I tested this morning to get the bad news out of the way.
I think it's positive, but I don't want to get my hopes up. Should the lines be closer together? I don't quite believe it, my husband is on cloud 9, Im so scared of being happy about it in case it's not real. This is going to take a while to sink in and I'm going to have to keep testing... after years of TTC and tests and IVF I'm so used to bad news could this actually be happening??