We're planning to transfer our last 2 embryos from DE on 24th September. This will be my 6th and last transfer (embryos #7 & 8). I had my baseline scan and the sonographer found a small pocket of fluid. She didn't think it was anything to worry about because it's lower down, not near where the embryos will be transferred.
My clinic is in Spain and after reviewing the report and scan, they gave me two options:
1 - continue as planned, but go in early on the day of the transfer to have a scan. If the fluid has disappeared or remains the same size, we proceed
2 - cancel until next month and hope the pocket of fluid disappears.
We've already taken time off work, booked flights, I've taken the meds (which I'd have to buy again if we cancel).
We've already decided to take the risk and proceed with option 1, in the hope that the fluid dissolves, or at worse stays the same size and location.
Has anyone experienced this before and what was the outcome? It's never happened to me before, and it's just my luck it happens on our last ever chance 😢