Hi, we have just had a failed FET with a 4AB embryo. (Was frozen at 3AB but expanded before transfer) We have 2 4BB embryos (one via IVF & 1 via ICSI) I’m unsure as to whether we try the 4BB embryos or go for a fresh cycle. We have done 2 previous fresh cycles and both times had 5AA embryos, one resulting in the birth of our daughter, the second most likely failed due to fluid in my uterine cavity. Does anyone have any success stories with 4BB embryos or similar situations?
Embryo grading: Hi, we have just had a... - Fertility Network UK
Embryo grading

Just wanted to wish you good luck with your next transfer Hope you get a few replies to your post that help with your decision making
Thinking of you
hi I’m currently 6and half weeks pregnant with a BB grade embryo. I had treatment in Spain so they only put the letters and no numbers in front.
My previous transfer was a 5AB and I had a BFN.
I think you have a good chance too with your 4BB
Wishing you all the best xx
Currently 34 weeks with a 4BB 😊 all my higher grade ones failed. Good luck ✨️
hi, fairly sure my daughter was a 4BB after two fails with a 5AA and 5AB,
Good luck xx the embryologist told me that they just look at certain characteristics for the grading and that my 4BB was ‘doing all the things it should be, even though it didn’t meet the 5AA appearance criteria. I felt upset when I heard the grading, but I didn’t need to be.
Good luck xx
Thank you for sharing, that’s really good to hear. It’s hard to not get caught up in the embryo grades when they go by that, but I guess it’s more the chromosomes that matter x
Yes exactly that, if the genetics are correct then the grading doesn’t mean much at all and vice versa. As frustrating as it is, there is so much still unknown about embryo quality and my embryologist admitted ‘we just don’t really know’ .
Good luck xx
My BB is currently snoozing on my shoulder! All my prior failures were AA and AB embryos.
Hi! I transferred 2 embryos - 1x 2BB abd 1x 3BC. One of them is my daughter who is wonderful. You've got this!
A 4BC FET made my perfect son, all the ‘better’ graded embryos either failed to implant or miscarriages. There is no way in the world I would be doing another egg collection with 2x 4BBs sitting waiting as they have every chance to be your miracle. Good luck! Xx
Thank you so much, that’s so reassuring to hear. Our daughter was a 5AA fresh transfer and I think I just have it in my head that I need that again because it gave us our daughter. We have had x2 5AA embryos in another fresh cycle but they were both put back in when I fluid in the cavity, which was likely to have caused them not to implant. It’s so hard to not get obsessed with embryo grading, but hearing others stories is so reassuring. Thank you for sharing x
Hi, I had a similar dilemma. We made 5 embryos around 4 years ago-the first fresh transfer was a miscarriage (5AB), then our daughter (frozen 5AB), a few years later another miscarriage (frozen 4AA ) and then recently I had 2 x 4BBs left so was debating collecting more but decided just to go for it, the first 2BB transfer resulted in a blighted ovum and then the very last 2BB embryo has worked and currently 18 weeks pregnant 🤞. I should add both 2BB embryos expanded to 4BB on transfer day. Good luck with your decision x
Hi, thank you so much for sharing a congratulations on your pregnancy ☺️ that’s so reassuring to hear and I guess it really is down to complete luck! I don’t really want to go through another fresh cycle to be honest, but also want to know we still stand a decent chance with our 4BB’s x
Any grade can lead to a pregnancy. Good grades can fail and low grades can work. It's basically just the appearance of the embryo. I did a double transfer with 3cc and 5cb because mine were 'poor quality ' and told me I'd probably need another round or two for success as this transfer was unlikely to work. Well that little 3cc or 5cb is almost 8 months old
Currently 5+4 with our 5 day 5BB (we transferred 2 5BB but have a scan tomorrow so it's possible both stuck although doubtful) our 2 5 day 5AAs ended in mmc (no yolk sac and low/slow hcg), and the 2 5 day 5ABs were just a failed cycle. This is our third FET cycle with the same Egg Collection/fertilization. We have 1 6day 5BB left frozen. So yes lower grades do have hope.
Congratulations on your pregnancy ☺️ Am going to ask the question at our clinic as to whether it’s worth transferring both of our 4BB’s (if they thaw well) Did your clinic advise to transfer two or was it your request? I’m 37 and our clinic has discussed the option of a double transfer, but we’re unsure. I hope your scan goes well tomorrow and thank you so much for sharing x
Thanks so much, our clinic recommended double transfers because we did not do pgta testing and because of my age.. collection was age 39 along with first fet. Then turned 40 and had the last 2 transfers since. I have PCOS and we have male factors as well so we used icsi. If you clinic will let you, and you aren't afraid of multiples, then I would give it a go. It takes a lot to do one transfer cycle so doubling the odds couldn't hurt if the doctors are on board. 💛
I have two sons, eldest was ungraded at day 5 transfer and my youngest was a grade A. I had one other cycle before my children which was a grade C and failed. It really is just a lottery and remember you wouldn't know grades in a natural conception. All the best to you!
That’s very true, thank you. I was listening to a podcast the other day and the embryologist said to remember that grading is only a snapshot in time…! X
Hi there, I’m soo sorry to hear about your FET not being successful. Just to give you hope, your 4BB embryos have all the chance in This world of turning into beautiful babies. My 3 year old daughter was a 4BC embryo (the best we had out of our lot) I have also read stories on this forum of successful pregnancies from 1cc, or 1bc embryos. Xx