What to ask consultant after failed 2... - Fertility Network UK

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What to ask consultant after failed 2nd ICSI cycle?

Sunflower8686 profile image
15 Replies

I've just completed a 2nd ICSI cycle but this time on a short protocol of a 3 day 2 x embryo transfer. This time I had an increase in stimulation drugs but unfortunately the cycle failed. I understand this is an expensive experiment but I don't know where to go from here and what questions I should ask at my follow up appointment with the consultant. My first ICSI cycle was a long protocol with 1 transfer of a 5 day early blastocyst which failed. They realized I needed to increase stim drugs half way through. Both cycles didn't provide more than 5-6 follicles and nothing past 3 or 5 days in the lab. Is there anything they can do in terms of the lab culture 🧫?? I'm convinced things go down hill after 3 days 😞 when they are in the lab. Sorry this post is a bit of ramble, a bit like my thoughts and confusion on what to do next 😭

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15 Replies
Lelllow profile image

I’m sorry you’re going through this. Fertility journey is so exhausting and unfair.

I believe that if things go down the hill after day 3 in the lab the issue is likely related to the sperm. I don’t know your situation, but I assume if you gone through ICSI you have already identified some sperm issues. Perhaps worth discussing with your consultant what you and your partner can do to improve the sperm quality in your situation - seems like sperm in some cases can be improved in 3 month period with the life style changes and help of supplements. So you are best prepared for your next round.

Wishing you the best of luck xx

Sunflower8686 profile image
Sunflower8686 in reply to Lelllow

Thank you. Yes we have sperm issues. My husband's on Impryl for over 6 months so I was hoping sperm would have improved. I was also taking Impryl but then stopped and started coq10 but I'm not sure I've bought the right one. Consultant said 400mg.

Lelllow profile image
Lelllow in reply to Sunflower8686

That’s a great start! I think max CoQ10 dose you can buy is 200 so just need to take 2 capsules.

Another thing to consider is to try eliminate BPA from your home environment where possible as BPA is harmful for male fertility. I was buying myself and for my partner non toxic shampoos, washing detergents etc as well as got rid of the plastic containers and non stick cookware. That’s something better for wellbeing in general but could impact sperm quality too.

Sunflower8686 profile image
Sunflower8686 in reply to Lelllow

Thanks, there's so many lifestyle changes to make for us compared to other people. We have to be extremely healthy and others don't it's crazy!

Twiglet2 profile image

I agree if you are having drop off at day 3 there may also be a sperm issue to look more closely at? I would also reccomend coq10 for egg quality for at least 3 months if your aren’t already on that and short protocol highest stims. They may even want to try a different stim or a combination of them next time as different people react differently to them sometimes. A combo of menopur and gonal F seems to work best for me. Ask a a million questions at your next consult to understand and decisions made fully and even talk to the embryologist as well if you still have questions as I found them so helpful! Xx

Sunflower8686 profile image
Sunflower8686 in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you.Husband has been on Impryl for over 6 months. I was also taking Impryl but then stopped and started coq10 but I'm not sure I've bought the right one. Consultant said 400mg. I had the highest stims last round ovatrelle 350 (?) and menopur 150. I'm really frustrated today I feel like it's my fault for trying to start a family so late at 38yrs.

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Sunflower8686

Please don’t blame yourself! I only produce one or 2 embryos a cycle when I have been trying for a sibling for 2 years. I’ve had 5 egg collections, a few BFNs a few misscariages and I’m finally 14 weeks with a frozen embryo (the first frostie in ive had in ages from my lowest number of eggs collected) sometimes it is just a case of keeping going to try and find that one embryo. I’m 42 btw and had my son at 39 from ICSI so it is defo not too late!!

For my last round I took 600mg of coq10 (I had previously tried impyrl too but it was actually my worst round which may have been a coincidence) thank the one I took but as long as it’s ubiquonal and 600mg I think they are all much of a muchness xx

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Sunflower8686 profile image
Sunflower8686 in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you so much 😊 I like hearing the good news stories it restores hope. Did you get this off Amazon I'm struggling to find coq10 more than 100mg. I found one for 400mg as advised by consultant but it's doesn't say umbquinol so any links would be greatly appreciated 👍

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Sunflower8686

I did yeah I think this is it?


Sunflower8686 profile image
Sunflower8686 in reply to Twiglet2

Thanks lovely 😊

Estherlovescats profile image

Could you question icsi we had two failed rounds of ivf as they insisted icsi was the best option. It may not have failed because of that but the first natural cycle after ivf i got pregnant aged 40 with the help of mira ovulation tracker and fertilily conception cups plus coq10 and dhea tho i know for dhea you need dhea-s and testosterone bloods. This goes to show icsi may not have been necessary all along. I did a lot of reading during the ivf on forums etc and many argued natural ivf can be more effective as they dont know what power the egg has to choose her sperm. They said we needed icsi due to low sperm concentration and motility but goes to show docs can be wrong. Could they consider a round of natural ivf?

Sunflower8686 profile image

Thank you. This is helpful. We were told ICSI due to sperm issues a combination of amount and morphology. Hence why they chose ICSI. Could you DM if you are in the UK please with links to supplements you used when it was successful. I'm feeling totally overwhelmed and just want to be in the best position for this to work xx

CyclingAddict profile image

We did ICSI-IVF. We had 4 failed transfers, 1 chemical and now I'm 35 weeks pregnant. My consultant ran loads of additional tests to identify the issue before this successful round. I had Alice, Emma and ERA testing, which flagged up some issues that needed addressing. He also did some autoimmune testing which showed I had a thyroid condition that needed treating prior to transfer. And we did PGT-A testing on the embryos. It was A LOT of additional testing, but it seemed to work for us.

Good luck x

Lelo3479 profile image

So sorry to hear this ❤️💐😔🙏 xxx

Jmfl profile image

we had two failed embryo transfers. Changed doctors and was told that ICSI isn’t the best solution for male factor. We did a sperm DNA frag test and it was very high at 38% and now we’re waiting for the sperm microbiome test to come back. If motility is low single digits, could be because of pathogens. We might just need the correct course or antibiotics and conceive naturally, I wish I knew all this before we did ICSI. Best of luck xx

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