has anyone used PICSI? Our doctor is recommending it.
previously had 10 eggs fertilise with ICSI and one embryo, so he’s suggesting this to try and optimise the conversion to blastocyst.
Any advice welcome!
has anyone used PICSI? Our doctor is recommending it.
previously had 10 eggs fertilise with ICSI and one embryo, so he’s suggesting this to try and optimise the conversion to blastocyst.
Any advice welcome!
For more information about PICSI please take a look at hfea.gov.uk" Physiological intracytoplasmic sperm injection [PICSI] "Hope this helps you make a more informed choice
Good luck for the future
Yes -we did PICSI twice with my husband and I don't think our results were better than previous ICSI cycles. The first time we did only ICSI with my husband's sperm and 7 frozen donor eggs and 4 went to blastocyst of which 3 were chromosomally normal. These embryos were day six 5AB, 5AB, 5BA and 4BB. Surprisingly one of the highest grade day 5AB embryos was found to be aneuploid after genetic testing. The first transfer was a chemical pregnancy and the last two embryos did not implant.
We then did a fresh donor egg cycle with a proven donor. We did Zymot and PICSI for this cycle. 27 mature eggs were fertilized and only 2 made it to blastocyst. We had one five day 3AA and one six day 3BA. These were not tested as I was worried PGT testing may harm the embryos. Both were failed transfers with negative results. We learned afterwards that the egg donor for whatever reason had poor quality eggs this cycle as they were too few cells on day 3 and others were already arresting so it was not a sperm quality issue.
Then for our final donor egg cycle with frozen eggs from proven donor we had 9 out of 10 eggs fertilized with PICSI. We had 7 blastocysts at the end which seems amazing percentage-wise but the worst quality blasts were during this cycle: we had 2 five day blastocysts (both 4BB) and two 5 day 4CB (considered poor quality.) We also have a six day 4BC and two six day 4CC blastocysts also considered poor quality. We didn't pgt test these embryos either so hoping the two 4BB embryos (considered average quality with 45-50% chance of success) are normal. In this case I think the sperm quality and lab were an issue as the embryos were looking great on day 3 but then days 4 to 6 is when the sperm quality impacts the development of the embryos. I wish you the best! In theory PICSI allows for the embryologist select the best sperm to fertilize the eggs as they look for the more mature sperm that binds to the hylauraunic acid on dish, but the research still has not shown PICSI to be superior to ICSI and I can't say the outcome was better in my case. I also likely have immune issues which hasn't helped either during my transfers. Wishing you the best!