Hi, my next round of IVF is due to start next week but just had smear test results back saying I have HPV virus. Things I read say it 'shouldn't' have an impact on fertility and that it 'could' be linked to miscarriage. But it seems there's no way of getting rid of it? Any advice or experience of this would be so welcome thank you 🙏
HPV Virus following smear test anxiety - Fertility Network UK
HPV Virus following smear test anxiety

Hey, I have a positive HPV from my smear and the doctors have not said it would affect fertility when I asked. From what I read it ‘could’ affect your fertility if you have procedures (freezing etc) to remove the abnormal cells. I think in most cases it clears it self up. You just have more regular smears to check on it. I’m sure if you ask your nurse or doctors they can put you at ease xx
hey x most people have hpv. It’s just weather it’s active when you do a smear
I have it and 4 years ago had moderate cell changes from it and I asked if we could wait and see if it cleared and it did
My next smear showed clear.
I had another smear a year later, all clear and I had one a couple of months ago and I showed hpv active again with low cell changes
My specialist was happy to go ahead with my transfer and it worked 🙌
I’m 10 weeks now and scan yesterday showed all is perfect 💕
I’ll just have to have another smear in a year to see what’s happening then.
That's amazing news I'm so happy for you! I wonder if my HPV never cleared as it was there last smear, just I wasn't trying for a baby then.
It may have. I think it can come and go depending on what’s going on with your body at certain times
I had it show up with moderate cell changes and six months later it cleared and then now has shown up again 4 years later.
I would say it has a lot to do with what is going on with your immune system at any given point. Whether its fighting something else or your run down or stress, not eating well etc
I wouldn’t worry to much about it. As long as it’s being monitored with regular smears.
Good luck 💕
I've had it almost 2 years so while it's not causing any cell changes, I'm curious why my body isn't fighting it. I'm considering acai to boost my immunity and am exploring gut health, as I suspect inflammation is suppressing my immunity. I've just bought a Mediterranean food cook book and have cut sugary snacks. I'm now taking Optibac for women and looking at ways to monitor inflammation in my system. Our foods and things around the home contain so many things that can inflame, so going as natural as possible as a gentle process is what I'm aiming for. Don't want to stress myself out worrying about every time thing. Obviously there is a balance 🙏
Thanks for messaging. Yes I'm the same, it's stayed since last smear. I also have endo so maybe that's why it's not clearing. How will you monitor inflammation levels? I wonder if GP would help in trying to clear it before I go for transfer. I'm so paranoid about every little thing maybe having an impact.
Yes I know what you mean about wanting everything to be as healthy and welcoming as possible. Hence why I'm seeking advice from a nutritionist and now getting laser focused on managing inflammation.
Good question about monitoring - yet to figure that out.
Current changes:
Less sugar
Alkaline water filter
Vitamins in a fertility supplement
Exploring high strength ACAI as a powerful anti oxidant
Any other ideas?!
That's fab you're seeing a nutritionist. I take Alpha lipoic acid and NAC, both anti-inflammatory antioxidents. I've also been told about PQQ which you've reminded me I want to buy as well as acai. Obviously exercise is brilliant and staying away from alcohol. How often have they redone your smear if you don't mind me asking?
Roughly every 6 months, I've got another scheduled for October.
That's quite a few different anti inflammtories. There is also Vit D as an anti-oxidant. Perhaps worth checking with a nutritionist what mix they recommend. I wish I'd started seeing one ages ago. First session next week.
I’ve had this and CIN3 cells that needing removing (the worst kind before cancer) 6 months after had the all clear and resumed with treatment and had my little boy form that FET. The only thing they said was due to the treatment on my cervix there was a little bit of increased risk of miscarriage or preterm labour but nothing about the HpV virus itself affecting fertility, treatment or pregnancy (and they knew I was going through treatment so were very open with me) so I wouldn’t worry 🤗 but defo ask questions of you have a follow up appointment xx

Hi. This should go away on its own, so get checked regular
Y and .look after you. All will work out ok, fingers crossed. Diane
Thank you I will x