I am currently in the middle of a 3 month HRT protocol before my final FET. Basically due to thin lining i am primed with additional oestrogen for 2 cycles and then scanned on the 3rd month and if lining is good then we go ahead. However I today received a letter for my smear due in March.. I am currently on the 2nd month so start FET protocol in 3 weeks. I called the clinic to ask about the smear as this can’t be done while taking the oestrogen as I take it vaginally. They said it is my choice to continue or stop and have the smear and start again. I know that by March I will know if my last FET has been successful but my concern is if I’m successful that would be over a 9 month delay in having a smear test and could this be dangerous? My clinic or doctor haven’t been very helpful they both just said it’s up to me ?!
FET and cervical screening (Smear Tes... - Fertility Network UK
FET and cervical screening (Smear Test ) advice

Hi Prayingforafamily,
I actually had exactly the same dilemma! I was booked to start my FET and my smear letter came through. I decided to go ahead with my cycle as I did some research (aka Googling 🤓😂) and you can have a smear test when you’re pregnant so you wouldn’t have to wait a full nine months if it was successful.
I’ve also never had an abnormal smear result so wasn’t overly worried about delaying it x
They won’t allow you to do your smear early so you will have to wait till March for that. If I was you I would go from your history of previous smears if you have shown abnormal cells then I would suggest holding off and get the smear done. However if your smears have been okay in the past I would go ahead because people get pregnant naturally all the time and miss smears and have them done after pregnancy. Defo go from your own history xxxx
Thanks for the advice, I just spoke to another GP who said as I haven’t had any issues with past smears I should be ok to carry on treatment x