I am 8 weeks tomorrow and have been spotting everyday and have had red bleeds twice filling pads. I just had a bleed today while at work. I experienced something similar with our successful cycle. This doesn't mean I'm used to it or even at ease. My nerves are all over. I saw heartbeat at 6 weeks but paranoia is killing me. I feel like something wrong is going on with this continous spotting and on off bleeds. Do I need bedrest? My job is not strenuous I am sitting down the entire day
Is bleeding in pregnancy common in IV... - Fertility Network UK
Is bleeding in pregnancy common in IVF pregnancies. 8 weeks and spotting everyday 😨

Have you mentioned the spotting to your clinical team? I've seen many instances where this has ended up being a haematoma for instance which should be seen on a scan?
Also are you aware there is a preganncy after fertility issues group on here? It would be worth posting on there instead of here for any issues linked to pregnancy x x
Hey! I had spotting at 6 weeks and a full on red bleed at 7 weeks (with brown spotting for several days after). Baby was fine. Apparently it was down to a ruptured blood sac, which is really quite common after a FET as, when the embryo implants, it can sometimes cause a bit of a hole in your lining which can then fill up with blood and it can either be reabsorbed or burst. I'm now 32 weeks pregnant.
I know it's startling but keep taking your meds. Definitely worth contacting your clinical team as they may want to put you on more progesterone (which is what happened to me).
All the best x
hi, yes I think it’s common in early pregnancy, not just IVF. I had spotting at 5 and 6 weeks and my local EPAU helped me when my clinic were not interested. I had little haematomas which gradually resorbed. Might be worth contacting your GP. I’m sorry it’s such an anxious time, hope things progress more smoothly soon x
I’ve been spotting since week 3 and I’m now week 12 and still do. I’ve had an A&E / EPU visit at week 6 due to heavy red bleeding filling several pads, with big clots, but the baby was absolutely fine. It was just a haematoma which are pretty common in IVF. Before and after that I’ve had brown spotting / bleeding and the more active I was, the more I would get on my tissue or underwear.
My IVF consultant told me to avoid activities that elevate my heart rate whereas the EPU told me to live my life as normal, so I lived life as normal with walks and work, but only did stretches, no workouts.
I had another small red bleed at week 11. This time it was due to having a low placenta, so near the cervix, and that’s known to cause some bleeding too but it should move soon.
Not everyone on IVF spots every day, but it’s not uncommon if they do. Bleeding in early pregnancy is fairly common and it’s not automatically bad. Cramping is what you should be worried about if it’s severe and you should call the midwife / your local EPU every time you see a red bleed. Brown spotting isn’t that much of a worry. What helped me get through this first trimester was to get a few reassurance scans with my local EPU and a couple of private scans too. Best of luck xx
Thank you so much and congratulations on how far you have gone. I will try to take it easy too. I managed to get a scan done and it showed heartbeats and hematoma next to the second sac. I get cramping but it's not severe. Dr says the embryos are still setting in
Ah so reassuring to see the heartbeat again and to know the cause of the bleeding. Haematomas are unlikely to cause a problem to the pregnancy and they go away by reabsorbing themselves or coming out, and it looks that the way it’s happening for you is by coming out as well. Because mine was still pretty big at week 8 and they didn’t expect for it to be healed by week 12, the EPU sent a letter to my GP to prescribe with 2 Cyclogest a day for weeks 12-16. Exercise-wise, my consultant told me to avoid an elevated heart rate and intercourse, but the EPU said to avoid trampolines and marathons, so I split the difference and lived life as normal but avoided workouts. I would get a slight discomfort on my side if I did too much, and with that, increased discharge, so I have my own regulator built in clearly. Ah and FYI there’s a flying restriction when you have a haematoma. Best of luck, I’m sure it will all be okay! Xx
I could have written this! I am currently 8w 5d and I have been spotting/bleeding pretty much daily since. I may have 2/3 days where I don't but then it comes back. I also find the 'heavier' the spotting (or sometimes larger burst of blood/clots) comes after I have been cramping.
My anxiety has been through the roof but I had 2 scans at my IVF clinic and both seemed fine, baby growing on time and with a heartbeat. But they could see no source of the bleeding, which was weird.
Am going to the EPU for another scan tomorrow as it needs to be monitored. Hopefully all is OK. I'll ask if they think it's my cervix - there is a thing called cervical erosion that causes bleeding in pregnancy.
But I totally get the fear - and I have read dozens and dozens of stories from women who had the same through pregnancy and were fine. As my clinic says - some women just bleed and we never know why!
Can you go for another scan just to be sure?
Sorry was meant to say *since 5 weeks!