After an initial worry that, due to lab capacity, we might be delayed again from August to September, we've been squeezed into a cancellation 🥳
Transfer 1 was medicated, 2 was natural and this time we are getting a modified natural. I'm really hopeful that the trigger injection will be the extra nudge my body needs, as we did get pregnant the first transfer, but it immediately failed.
1st scan today and we have a lead follicle at 13mm, 2nd scan is scheduled for 2 days time and they anticipate the trigger injection then and transfer 6 days later. Although lining isn't a concern at the moment anyway, it was still nice to hear that all looks good on that front with a 6.8 measurement.
I've been doing the usual things, but also added in probiotics over the last few months. Everything crossed this works! Is anyone else approaching their transfer date?