OK so my first transfer has been delayed slightly, I'm having egg collection early next week and then transfer around 2 weeks after. Must say I'm a bit disheartened as I've been getting so excited and nervous and a delay has caused some reaaaal anxiety. So my question to all you lovely ladies is, what can I expect at egg collection? does it hurt afterwards? I'm so excited but at the same time I cant stop myself from getting my hopes sky high and would be devastated if the transfer doesn't work before xmas because i've waited so long for this! any advice would be GREATLY received! thanks guys xxx
Preparing for egg collection - Fertility Network UK
Preparing for egg collection

You won’t feel anything throughout the procedure. You will have some discomfort for few days in the stomach but take it easy. Maybe make an appointment with the counsellor to discuss how you are feeling. It’s perfectly normal. Xx
I'm so nervous, do you think I should take a few days off work to recover? I don't want to jeopardise the transfers by not taking it easy after egg collection. Hubby thinks I'm being a bit OTT (which I probably am!) xx
You’re not going OTT. I would take a few days off because your body needs time to recover from a procedure like egg collection. I took the week off after EC that’s because I work with children. And it’s normal to feel nervous I certainly did feel nervous xx
Its so nice talking to people that understand! Obviously the surgery itself isn't scary I think its the enormous stress of wanting to produce a decent number of good quality eggs. It will ruin our Christmas if this doesn't go to plan! I just cant stop having tunnel vision, god knows how nervous I will be on transfer day! xxx
I was very nervous on Transfer Day what if’s kept going through my head. My egg collection provided 7 eggs and they managed to fertilise 4 of them. It’s a stressful experience for people who go through something like this. It is very nice to talk to people who understand what we are going through xx
It really is, My friend had IVF last year and they retrieved 15 eggs! but only FOUR fertilised! so now I'm just in stress overdrive. I'm sure when the fertilisation results come through on Tuesday I will hopefully relax a little xxx
I was amazed I had 7 eggs retrieved because I have a low AMH count for my age. My AMH is 6.1 and for anyone who’s AMH is normal roughly get 8+. You will I certainly did xx
Assured have paramiters with regards to AMH I think it has to be over 10 and mine is 11.4. Thank you so much you really have calmed me down a bit! xx

Hi smithy1986. Obviously an anxious time, but I'm sure your clinic will look after you with some sedation so it's not uncomfortable. Have a good rest afterwards and drink plenty of water. If you do have any pain at all, then just take paracetamol, unless something else is prescribed. No anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen. Just wanted to wish you luck for next week, and I'm sure the girls here will share their experiences. Diane
Smithy1986 I know its easier said than done but try not stress too much. Each individual has different results. I only had 5 eggs and 3 of them fertilized. At the end of the day you only need that one special one to take. It is a little uncomfortable after the EC but definately not unbearable pain. My Dr said I must just carry on as normal and I can still go off to work but I didnt feel comfortable with that so I stayed home for the week and relaxed. Good Luck and take it easy xx

Thank you so much, its so nice to know I'm not on my own xx
I've had egg collection a couple of times, and it feels a little uncomfortable for a few days afterwards. Fortunately mine was on a Friday both times, so I had the weekend to recover. I've also been able to work from home which helped with taking follow up calls from the clinic. My advice would be to make sure you drink plenty of water. x