Hi all
I am looking for some held/advice or to see if anyone has had a similar experience!
To give some context .. I had my egg collection on 26/6, where I was told I had a lot of follicles and after the collection where we got 14 eggs I was told I was at risk of OHSS and may need to do a freeze all cycle but I should let them know how I feel. I believe they said my Estrogen levels were also very high. Over the next nerve wracking few days we managed to get 3 blasts and one was recommended for a 5 day transfer. At this point I felt ok in myself, not 100%, still a little bloated but I am very bloated person normally. Plus as this was my first round I have no idea how I was meant to feel in all honesty.
Fast forward to now, where we’ve been amazingly fortune to get a positive test (yesterday). I’ve now got a very bloated stomach since Sunday and my abdomen has become distended especially in the evening to the point it’s difficult for me to sit up to get myself out of bed.
I am going to call the on call doctor this morning to see if i need to come in for some blood tests/monitoring but I was wondering whether anyone had any things they tried that helped them? I’ve heard drinks with electrolytes perhaps?
I also have developed thrush and I’ve been advised by my nurse Canisten products are safe to use, although nervous to use the cream! has everyone found that they are safe in early pregnancy?
Hope everyone is keeping well on their journeys this forum really does help me feel ‘normal’ 😊
Thanks in advance for any help / advice xx