Post Egg Collection Bloat : Hey... - Fertility Network UK

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Post Egg Collection Bloat

XOXO13 profile image
27 Replies

Hey everyone,

I had egg collection Saturday; 8 mature eggs, all 8 fertilised and had a call this morning to say they’re dividing nicely which is hopeful news!

I have a question…

I know it’s normal to feel bloated in the abdominal for a little while, but I wondered if you could help put my mind at ease with my symptoms. I’m feeling very heavy, very low down abdominal discomfort and pain that makes me feel constipated (sorry for tmi). I feel like I’ve a lot of gas (sorry, again) but not able to get rid of it all.

It’s not agony. I’m not sick, or hot and out of breathe but I am in a little discomfort. I started on cylogest rectally (as advised by clinic vs vaginally) and wondered if that would cause the bloat and discomfort?

Is there anything I can take, eat or drink to help reduce the discomfort?

If it gets worse, I’ll call the clinic but for now I just want to try manage it at home.

Thank you! 🍀🤞🏻 Xx

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XOXO13 profile image
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27 Replies
Purpledoggy profile image

I got some pretty severe bloating the day after EC when I used Cyclogest rectally. I used Windsetlers and also drank peppermint and fennel tea, which I use for IBS. It did settle down the following day so not sure how much was trapped wind and how much was just abdominal aggravation from EC (I had quite a bit of bleeding during EC), but I do find these things effective when I get trapped wind due to IBS. xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Purpledoggy

Thank you! I’m hoping it’s just the typical bloat and pain - but I just went really lightheaded and my body overheated so went into cold sweats. I don’t remember this pain with my first egg collection. I’m in bed and just taken some paracetamol so hopefully it will ease off. I do think the progesterone isn’t helping as it’s come on soon as painful as it is after I’ve popped that in! Xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to XOXO13

As I'm sure you know, this can also happen with OHSS and infections so please er on the side of caution. Hope you feel better soon xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Purpledoggy

Yeah, I know but it’s also more widely common with those who get 20+ eggs isn’t it. I think I’m just sensitive so I’ll give the clinic a call. I’m not enjoying using the progesterone rectally! Xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to XOXO13

It is more common in people with more eggs collected around a week after EC, but it can absolutely happen to anyone and at any time (this is on my clinic’s fact sheet). You probably just need the mother of all trumps though 😂 xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Purpledoggy

Ahahaha I absolutely think I do… I’m usually someone with regular and quick bowl movements so I think my body is just freaking out that it can’t move 😂 I’ve had a peppermint tea and it’s settling slightly so fingers crossed it’s just wind 😂🤞🏻 Xx

butterfliez profile image

Hi that’s great news a good number of eggs & that all 8 fertilised & are looking good so far !

It is common to feel bloated after egg collection, I do think those pessaries add to the bloat this happened to me , they made me bloated. & constipated whilst on them

I drank plenty of water & I had a probiotic drink every morning ( actimal) which for me always helps with bloated feeling I still have one ever morning now

Wishing you all the best for these next few days & before transfer xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to butterfliez

I know, I’m so, so pleased!!!

Probiotic drink, good shout. Thank you! Hoping I feel better soon as scared they’ll say we have to freeze all and do transfer at a later date! Xx

butterfliez profile image
butterfliez in reply to XOXO13

It’s always a worry isn’t it , but hopefully you’ll feel better soon ! I think the more eggs collected the worse we feel , on my first collection I only had 3 which wasn’t half as bad symptoms post collection as my second then which I had 6 which was double the pain & bloat for me, but all ok at transfer , I think it’s normal for ovaries to swell for ages after which cause the bloated feeling

I was chatting to a lady on here during my treatment, we had our egg collections on the same day , she had terrible bloated feeling & pain during the days after & was really worried of ohss , she was checked over but all fine to transfer so try not to worry ( easier said than done I know !) xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to butterfliez

Thank you 💗

I’ve called the clinic as I’m not feeling too good with the pain. Hopefully they can put my mind at ease! Xx

Londongirl84 profile image

That’s fab news! Fingers crossed they all turn into strong embryos!

Yep that is totally normal or it was for me. I had really bad constipation and wind and prune juice was what my doctor told me to drink..🤢 it did work. Xxx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Londongirl84

Oh dear, prune juice sounds awful!!! How much did you need to drink? I’m trying to drink loads of water to help as well. I’ve just had a really funny turn, went so lightheaded and dizzy with the pain so taken some meds and hopefully it passes. I’ll try anything to help it settle before transfer so prune juice it is! Xx

Londongirl84 profile image
Londongirl84 in reply to XOXO13

I had it really really bad and I just had a small glass a day. Water will also help! I think if you continue to feel like this then tell the clinic or your doctor. It’s always better to check these things if it doesn’t feel right! Xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Londongirl84

Definitely. I’ve given them a call so waiting for a call back from the nurse and I’ll ask them to check me over just so I can relax a bit and not panic I’ve developed something more serious xx

Crazy_girl profile image

I was wondering if your clinic would allow you to do a bit of walking..I would do mild walks and found that helped me to deal with bloating and trapped wind..Suggest you to check with your clinic on that..

All the best for the next steps 👍

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Crazy_girl

I do feel like I would benefit from a walk, but struggling to move from my bed right now! I did walk yesterday a little… so will try later! Xx

Crazy_girl profile image
Crazy_girl in reply to XOXO13

Okay, yes it does take sometime to get to normalcy post egg such situations, we are the best judges, since we know how much exactly our bodies can cope up..get some good rest as helps to recover well..All the best..

Elle_hope profile image

I had insane bloating and was told by my clinic to drink 3 litres of water a day. And also a little bit of salty food helps apparently to get the bloated water to reabsorb into system and be flushed out or something more scientific! Feel better soon x x x

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Elle_hope

Yeah, I’ve been trying to drink 3L water and have milk too as that’s what my clinic advised. What type of salty food have you found helped you? I think I’ve also eaten quite heavy food since egg collection which no doubt hasn’t helped so I’m back on sweet potato and salmon and eggs! Xx

Elle_hope profile image
Elle_hope in reply to XOXO13

If you google McDonald’s fries IVF it will come up with loads of articles. I just had the fries as my ‘salty’ food once. Not sure if it helped but the bloating did go down eventually! X x

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Elle_hope

Thank you! I had those post transfer last time but will consider them to help with the bloat too… funny how that’s a suggestion isn’t it! Xx

Catlady101 profile image

Wow great news on the number of eggs and how they are getting on! I have to say I was so uncomfortable after EC for a few days. Felt like my belly was full of trapped wind that I couldn’t shift but it eased off after about 4 days which was good because I was worrying about transfer. I tried peppermint tea which did seem to help a bit and loads and loads of water. Good luck with everything xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Catlady101

I called the clinic and she told me I need to drink 3.5L of water minimum and 1L of milk, and eat every 2-3 hours with a high protein diet. So I’ve had multiple peppermint teas, lots of water and some food and had a shower and back in bed resting. I feel so much better than I did earlier so just need to keep resting! I was worried about transfer too but hoping if I keep this up, I’ll be okay! 🍀🤞🏻 Xxx

Catlady101 profile image
Catlady101 in reply to XOXO13

Yes sounds like you’re doing everything you can there. Take all the rest you need, it’ll be worth it xx

Bella_Bee profile image

I really struggled after my egg collection too. Like you I wasn't in agony as such but I had what I can only describe as this heavy pulling pain in my lower belly. Plus bloating. Plus feeling a bit weak and faintish. Plus awful cramps. My clinic said it was all that new progesterone (Lubion injections + 800mg in pessaries) in my body which I started on the evening of egg collection to prepare for a fresh transfer. It gave me some spots too, though seems to have calmed down 2 weeks on. It's gonna be a messy couple of days but it will all go v soon. 😘

Can I ask you why your clinic prefers the progesterone to be inserted rectally? Just curious.

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Bella_Bee

I think it is the progesterone on top of everything too - I’m feeling a bit better now I’ve continued to drink lots of water. I’m really, really hugely bloated and solid but hopefully that eases!

I asked about using my cylogest vaginally instead and she said they don’t want it to coat my cervix so have to use them rectally. I find rectally really uncomfortable but I’ll just get on with it for now! Xx

AuroraXen profile image

Congrats on a fab result at EC but sorry you are struggling after the procedure. Sounds like you've not have lots of good advice from your clinic so hoping you get better soon xx

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