I'm looking for some help with timelines please. We had our first round of IVF and got a negative test result on Friday, followed by period on Saturday. I still haven't heard anything about timelines from the hospital but keen to find out so we can plan things. We are fortunate to have embryos frozen so the 2nd round will be a frozen embryo transfer. What is involved in a frozen embryo transfer and what is the average durations? TIA x
2nd round IVF: I'm looking for some... - Fertility Network UK
2nd round IVF

I’m so sorry but didn’t work for you - I’m in the same boat , 3 failed embryo transfers.
Frozen embryo transfers are quicker and more easier to ‘do’ than the fresh cycles - what my clinic did was wait for my next bleed and then prepared me for the frozen embryo transfer by giving me lots of estrogen, scanning me throughout the couple of weeks to check my lining. Once the lining is thick they can do then do embryo transfer, so ultimately they can do it as quick as ‘after your next cycle’ and the process is about 3-4 weeks.
Thank you, I'm sorry that it hasn't worked for you either.
How was the estrogen given to you? Injection, pill or some other way? If my next bleed is on 16th June for example then the FET could potentially be around 3-4 weeks after that? Is that correct? Thanks for such a quick reply!
So I was given a whopping 8mg of estrogen in tablet form. Unsure you’ll have such a large dose, but probably around 4mg. You may also need to take a ‘stop ovulation’ drug alongside the estrogen (I didn’t need this), but yes you’d be looking at having the FET about 3-4 weeks after your bleed, but all they care about is the lining of the womb. If it’s thick earlier, or later, than that, they’ll do the transfer. They’d be looking for at least 9/10mm of thickness.
take a look at this link, I posted my fet protocol…
Hi, I think it all depends what FET protocol you are going to have. I had medicated FET which starts on cd2 and I'm beginning to take estriadol and steroids, then I had scan on cd8 to check my lining and when it was ok my clinic was scheduling when I should start taking progesterone and when I will have my transfer, last time I started progesteron on cd11 and had transfer on cd16.This time I going to have again FET with downregulation which starts on cd21 of the cycle before the main one when I'm having transfer.