I actually cannot believe I am sharing this.. last year I had a BFP after an IVF cycle with a due date of today. Sadly that turned out to be ectopic with the loss of my right tube. Today on the day I would have been due, I have my first ever natural BFP in 2 years!! Feeling so so grateful that I am even able to get a BFP. I am beyond shocked as I thought my period was coming with some really light brown spotting, spotting has now completely stopped but I’m still worried as you can imagine. I have an appointment for bloods tomorrow so I will ask for my progesterone to be checked too. Please send any advice on how you survived the first few weeks & didn’t let your anxiety take over!! Sending baby dust to you all. After 2 IUI and 3 IVF little miracles do happen 💫✨🌈
Sensitive.. BFP. : I actually cannot... - Fertility Network UK
Sensitive.. BFP.

congratulations ❤️
Wonderful news.Congrats!x
Congrats lovely, amazing news!
My advice would be to stick to tracking HCG levels from now on. Progesterone level fluctuation is bigger than that of HCG & it varies quite significantly throughout the day. Because of that they're not the most reliable source of information on how the pregnancy is progressing after the point of implantation & most clinics don't track progesterone levels.
Might still be good to get checked once if you're worried though, in case you want to be on a progesterone support xxx
That's amazing news!! Congratulations ❤️
Yay! I can imagine it's a nerve-wrecking time. Just remember, just because you've had really bad luck in the past, doesn't mean it will happen again. The odds are on your side for a positive outcome x
Congratulations! This happened to me last summer and I was terrified. I also had very strong PMT and period symptoms, and then had a light bleed around the time my period was due. So I didn't even think to test until I had some unusual blood results back later. When it was positive I panicked because of the bleeding and because I wasn't on progesterone but my clinic consultant said natural pregnancies are usually fine and even though I could take progesterone if it made me feel better, and I had taken it through most of my prior IVF pregnancy, he said the levels were fine and didn't think I needed it. My levels fluctuated and dropped from 94 to 80 over a couple of weeks - which is much lower then they had been on IVF (>190) - but the HCG was rising well and I had early scans which showed everything was going as it should, so I didn't take any progesterone after an inital few panicked doses. I've just brought the result of that pregnancy home from hospital so miracles definitely can happen x
Thanks so much I feel like I needed to hear this. I was due to go back for another IVF cycle in June and when I told my clinic I had a natural BFP they said they will do my bloods for me so I am hoping they will monitor me rather than my GP. I am so happy that we were able to get a BFP by ourself, I just wish everyday wasn’t filled with so much anxiety x
It's a very anxious time, and I didn't really start to accept it might be happening until the 12 week scan, and even then I had extra reassurance scans as I would assume something was wrong. It would be nice to be like women who've never had infertility and loss and to just be happy and relax for 9mnths, but once you accept that that ship has sailed and just try to find a balance where you know it's OK to anxious but not so much that it overwhelms you, it's manageable. You may find some counselling helps too.
Congratulations on your BFP! It's great that you have an appointment for bloods tomorrow, and will ask for your progesterone to be checked. In those early weeks, it's important to focus on self-care and finding ways to manage your anxiety. Breathe, relax. Sending you all the positive vibes and baby dust for a healthy and smooth pregnancy journey ahead.
Thank you all for your messages.
My HCG was 242 and progesterone 90+ (I can’t remember the exact numbers).
They said those levels were perfect for exactly 4 weeks and they will redo bloods every week up until week 7.
I’ve managed to relax a little more this weekend however I do find I have these moments where I let worry/doubt creep in and it can spiral out of control quickly! It doesn’t help that I have no symptoms. Other than my boobs feel heavy/bigger I feel fine otherwise!
Let’s hope this little one is nice and comfortable inside and ready for a 9 month stay x