so I tested a day early as planned due to both myself and hubs having today off work... And got my first ever BFP! 4years of ttc, 1 failed fresh cycle and this was out first frozen cycle. Absolutely over the moon and in shock! I'd convinced myself it hadn't worked, felt very pre-menstrual, no different to normal and had mild spotting and cramping. Did the test and within a minute, a very strong 2nd line appeared! I just wanted to say to those of you trying still... Be positive, it does work! Easy for me to say now, but just yesterday I was one of the negative ones! Now have to increase my pessaries and tablets and wait till 18th Aug for my early scan! Sending my positive vibes to everyone x
BFP! : so I tested a day early as... - Fertility Network UK

That's brilliant news!!! Congratulations, welcome to even more waiting!
Make sure you have a little celebration xx
Congratulations thats fab news 💖xxx
Huge Congrats! Lovely news x
Congratulations - lovely news, not long to wait until your scan x x x
thank you 😊 3 weeks sounds so long away! I'm glad you commented, I took your advice and had brazils and pineapple every day (as well as baby aspirin) did you continue having them after your BFP? X
A huge congratulations wishing u a happy and healthy pregnancy x
Congratulations xx
Fantastic news, huge congratulations embiemomma xx
Congratulations xxx
Fab news, congratulations xx
Congratulations!!! So happy for you xx
What fantastic news 😄😄😄🎉🎉🎉
You've just given me hope that fet can work so thank you xxx
Holly x
Fantastic news so good to hear xxx
Congratulations x
Congratulations X