Hi guys, I just wanted to share my good news with you all. After a long battle with severe endometriosis and enduring months of unbearable pain, I had my first ivf embryo transfer recently (2 blasts put back in) and my hcg results have come back as positive today. Words can not describe how I did this and the joy I am feeling when I have been so close to pulling the plug on this journey due to the physical pain. I know I have a long way to go still and its early days but I wanted to give you all hope that miracles do happen. From being told I will most likely never be able to have my own child 10 months ago to getting a bfp now this is truely unbelievable. Thank you to those that have supported me on this forum. Xx
BFP..... In absolute shock😀 - Fertility Network UK
BFP..... In absolute shock😀

Congrats and thanks for sharing, I need some positivity right now.
All the best x
Wonderful news xx
Congratulations. Great news xx
Thank you Jenny. Your message gave me a tear as I have been through a horrendous time but I kept going because I just had to try at least. I will keep everyone posted on this forum. Science is amazing but you have to have so much strength on this journey. It can happen to anybody. Dont let any dr tell you different. Xx
Hi 👋
I too have endometriosis and to see someone who has also been told it won’t happen get a bfp gives me a lot of hope.
Thank you so much for sharing you news and massive massive congratulations ❤️ xx
Congrats 😘
Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy ahead xxx
Amazing!! Knew you could do it. Well done x
Amazing news congratulations! As a fellow endo sufferer I know how horrible it can be... I’m almost 36 weeks pregnant after four miscarriages, this was our third embryo transfer... so I am proof that it can and does happen! Just take it it a day at a time and relax as much as you can xxxxx
Thanks Sprinkles. Congrats again to you. So grea5 hearimg stories like yours. I will take one day at a time, this is a massive step for us but still a long way to go. Not working now due to the endo pain I was getting for months. Good excuse for lots of netflix lol xx
That sounds great to me lol, endo can affect our lives in so many ways... it’s just an awful disease. Getting that positive test is a huge step in the right direction so hold on to that for now... hopefully you’ll be getting an early scan at your clinic xxx
I have my 2nd hcg test on tuesday. Even tho my result was very good the dr said its always good to do a 2nd test. You are right, I am enjoying the positivity for now. I will have a scan in 2 weeks if weds goes well. Never been pregnant in my life or near to in all my 38 years lol. Xx
Yep the second test will tell you if things are progressing as they should, fingers crossed for a nice rise in your numbers! Aww it’s such a lovely feeling but totally understand the other emotions you’re feeling too. Let us know how you get on xxxxx
Congratulations on your lovely news! I’m a fellow endo sufferer so know how painful it is and was also told I was unlikely to ever have children. I have just had my first bfp after 2 failed embryo transfers and am anxiously waiting for my viability scan in 2 weeks. Lots of love and luck to you xxx
Hi Sarah thank you. So lovely to hear your news. A massive congratulations. I know how it feels to be told no. I was told to go and find a donor and surrogate by one clinic and I have just proved that clinic partially wrong. I just need to sustain the pregnancy now to term. Fingers crossed. Good luck for your scan. Xx
Lovely news. I’m so happy for you. I’m also an endometriosis sufferer too so I can really emphasise with the battle you have faced. All the best with your pregnancy ❤️❤️❤️

Hi Jess thank you. Hope you dong ok and are getting somewhere with the docs. I really feel for you when I see what you are going through as I know how it is. Just hang on in there you will get some answers and be seen to. Us endo sufferers are warriors! We can go through just about anything now. That is something I have definately learnt. Dont give up. Xx
Thank you.
Luckily I have the most wonderful fertility doctor. He has made sure I am going to get the care I need ; the endo specialists are now complying with him😏 he pulls no punches and gets things done 👍
It is lovely to hear stories of ladies with endometriosis being able to conceive & carry a baby full term; the closest I got was a chemical pregnancy. I do worry about being able to carry a baby full term with endo but posts like yours show me that me it is possible. Thank you.
We sure are warriors 👍 It’s definitely worth fighting for glad your dream came true well done for not giving up 😍Enjoy the pregnancy and hope it eases the endo symptoms 👍 xoxo

Thanks Jess! Like you I have bowl and rectal endo etc which is horrendous but my pain has subsided since being on the progesterone and im hoping pregnancy hormones will calm the endo down. I worry the same as you about not being able to carry to full term but my dr has given me confidence to believe that I can as the inside of my uterus is health and endo free. Keep us posted on how you get on xx
I’ve been told by endo experts that once a pregnancy is fully established the endo symptoms should go.
The bowel issues are horrific and getting worse ☹️I’m lucky my uterus is endo free as they took a biopsy I’m grateful for that and my tubes and ovaries haven’t been affected by it 👍 mine grows around POD ,uterosacral and is all over my rectum not nice 🤢
I’m glad it’s not in your uterus either that’s really good news. I was so relieved mine wasn’t expect you were too👍
I’ve been told by my fertility specialist that endo in the bowel won’t affect fertility or a pregnancy I trust his opinion completely👍 I think you will be okay ❤️
he only referred me to a endo consultant because of the pain and symptoms I have and the fact it returned so quickly which concerned him. And he booted them up the butt for a referral to a colorectal specialist for me. 😏🙌🏻 I probably shouldn’t high five that god knows what investigations they’ll do!! 😳
My fertility doctor has put me on progesterone pessaries for early weeks of any next pregnancy; maybe it helps with endo 😘
I will do and I really appreciate the kind words and likewise will look forward to your updates and really hope it all goes smoothly 😍I think us ladies have been through enough getting pregnant we deserve an easier pregnancy 😏 xoxo
I am so so happy for you Crystal!!! It’s an amazing outcome. What an amazing outcome to a hard journey. I really do wish you the best of luck and do Keep me updated - you know more than anyone what kind of hardship this is. You really do provide me with hope!!! 😘😘❤️
Thank you so much minchoo. I did not expect a bfp honestly. All i have done is help others most of my life so I am hoping this is now my time. I will keep you all posted on here. Need to take one day at a time now. Dont give up or lose hope ok. Find that inner strength and keep fighting. You will get there hun xxx
Aw this post has made me smile this morning and gives me hope. I have stage 4 endo and about to start my first round of ivf. It’s been hard to stay positive but your post has helped. Do you mind me asking if they put 2 back in because of your endo? Xx
Hi Jen, i'm glad I can give you girls hope. I too have stage 4 endo, I had adnomyosis which my dr surpressed with meds, and yes we decided to put in 2 embryos due to my age (am now 38) and the endo. It was more about having 1 embryo stick out of 2 rather than twins. I am really glad I did 2 as its only a single pregnancy. Try and go for 2 if you can. Message me if you want more info or to talk. Xx
Aww congratulations xx
Thanks Hope xx
Im so happyyyyy for you ❤️❤️May God bless you and your embryo. Hope the 9 months journey will be a breeze and you’ll get a lovely healthy baby or babies 😍😍
Congratulations!!! That’s a wonderful news!! All the best with your pregnancy 💖
Congratulations! I too am an endo sufferer stage 4, I am due to start injections in a month. Got paperwork appt on Tuesday. It is so good to see how others are getting on... so pleased for you!
*Note to self must stay positive*
This gives us all hope!
Hope your pregnancy goes well... keep us updated!
I am very lucky... I don’t have pain except the first two days of my period. Had no idea the disease existed until 10 months ago.