I’ve been told my AMH levels are 67.1, way out of the normal range. Have PCOS and thin lining which is likely due to high AMH. I have a cycle of 33-35 days but light periods. Having a hycosy this week. Is ovulation induction unlikely to be an option? Thanks
high amh levels : I’ve been told my AMH... - Fertility Network UK
high amh levels

Hi Before you fret about amh levels I would get a couple of tests done. I had 3 in the space of a year, 1 nhs that said I was 32, then another private 22.6 then another private with a diff clinic that said I was around 4. The latter was unfortunately the most accurate as I didn't respond as well as somebody my age would to stimulation drugs. It makes sense as I started having light irregular periods and nobody could explain why, just it wasnt pcos or anything of that nature and my hycosy was fine. Good luck with everything x
Thanks for the above. What treatment were you offered? I have a period monthly, so I’m thinking I ovulate but maybe I don’t!
If you don't already try using the ovulation sticks, they were my first clue as I thought period=ovulation but unfortunately not always the case. I've just completed my 1st icsi cycle but was unable to do a fresh transfer as my progesterone level was too high after my trigger injection so am hoping I don't have to wait too long for a frozen transfer. I should find out my plan this week 🤞🏼
Fingers crossed for you. It’s all such a mind game! So many tears and ups/downs. Did you try ovulation induction?
Oh it's a horrible rollercoaster of emotions! In terms of ovulation induction do you mean stims injections? I used 12 days of ovaleap at 300units to help with egg collection
I mean were you offered any other treatment other than IVF? X
So far no but this is my 1st cycle and I went abroad for it. Maybe "if" I need future cycles I might be offered something like that but I think alot of the time each clinics plan can vary so drastically with the same test results so who knows.
hello! I expect you will also have day 3 and day 21 tests done to let you know if you’re ovulating ( or successfully ovulating).
I can share that I had an AMH test of 115 and then one on the 60s but also ovulate regularly, so it’s very possible you ovulate. I was offered clomid / letrozole as the first line of treatment as I think Drs are loathe to jumpy to IVF when less invasive means can be tried first.
Good luck for the hycosy, I had to have one too to ensure tubes were patent before ovulation induction.
Ok thanks for this. Yikes that’s high. Was it successful?
Hello! So for me because i ovulate naturally, the medicated cycles led me to conceive three times - two early losses and one which seems to be going strong! The cycle i conceived i only took progesterone after ovulation (as i had a short luteal phase and low progesterone), it didn't need letrozole / clomid and s trigger shot, although i'm aware they can be helpful too to boost ovulation, and some of the cycles i conceived were with them. Hopefully if they can medicate the thin lining and tubes are open, you should stand a good chance to conceive with minimal intervention! x
Hello, I have an extremely high AMH of 174 and I don’t have any natural periods whatsoever anymore (I used to have extremely irregular ones, like once every 12-18 months). My clinic did initially try ovulation induction with me and I had 2 rounds of Clomid and 1 round of Letrozole. I didn’t respond whatsoever to any of the doses we tried which was really disheartening at the time. I’ve since been told that it isn’t unusual for someone with an AMH as high as mine not to respond to the ovulation induction drugs but everyone is different, so I guess it was worth a shot! Hycosy was absolutely fine for me. Best of luck with everything 😊
My amh was 62 in feb 22 Fell pregnant after hycosy in October 22( after 18 yrs trying) I have pcos too but very irregular periods and very very light. Miscarried in Jan 23 After that was put on ovulation induction. Clomid. I did ovulate on it , not in a timely manner it wasn't making me ovulate until day 40+ 50+ but on the last month i did respond and ovulated exactly day 14. Didn't get pregnant . Did ivf the coming Oct 24 and was put on low dose 150iu bemfola due to high amh. Didn't respond well at all despite the fact they were so concerned my amh was high that I was a risk of over responding. We got 7 eggs , 3 suitable for fertilisation. 2 made it to blast but were were very low quality. 5cb and 3cc both unlikely to result in a pregnancy. We transferred both due to the low odds. Third egg was too poor to freeze. One egg despite the odds took and i'm currently 28 weeks pregnant so don't give up hope.
Hi! High AMH and PCOS here too. I was offered IVF directly but age was a factor too. Have a healthy baby girl from our second embryo transfer. Very best of luck!
thank you all for the above and helping me to keep positive! Wishing you all the best of luck 💕
Hi. I also have a very high AMH & PCOS. I was offered ovulation induction to begin with and we were to do 6 cycles but ended up doing 3 and had to cancel the rest due to side effects. I went on to do IVF and was successful that way. Wishing you lots of luck xx
I had irregular periods and was given multiple blood tests on cycles which found I irregularly ovulated but not usually until after day28. My AMH was in the 80s. I was given clomid on the lowest possible dose for ovulation induction but even with the tiny dose and breaks in between each induced cycle I had horrendous side effects and there was no way in hell I could even consider having sex when it was happening. That was when I was finally referred to IVF and the consultant constantly said I never ovulated but obviously only ever looked at my d21 ovulation blood tests which is disappointing! Anyway, stims during ivf was also very uncomfortable and I wasn't allowed a fresh transfer (thank goodness because I probably would have stupidly wanted that regardless of the side effects) and have been successful with the first frozen transfer 🥰 oh also I could NEVER use the pee sticks to find out if I ovulated or not, wasted lots of money on gadgets etc. I think I could see that ovulation happened with body temp but that was stressful in other ways and only told Mr after the fact so I didn't find it helpful at all. Good luck with your journey!!