I’m day 7 following a fresh day 3 transfer. Have not tested and doing everything not to. I am having period like symptoms which would be normal for me it’s always bang on time- cramps and bloated. Just wondering did anyone else have these symptoms and have a positive outcome. Just trying to settle myself to wait out the next 7 days!
success stories following transfer - Fertility Network UK
success stories following transfer
Hi yes I had period like pains.I always get a pain in the exact same spot in my back every month so I was sure I was out and tested at 7tp3dt to put myself out of my misery and had a bfp!!Wishing you lots of luck.xx
Yep, I was 100% certain that my period was coming, but I got a BFP! Having said that- all my 2ww were the same and just one resulted in pregnancy.
Yes I had cramps and spotting I really though my period was coming but than the test was positive.
I spent a whole few days crying adamant my period was coming, it was dreadful, but then on OTD I got a BFP. We had our viability scan yesterday and are now 7+4, really hoping it all goes ok and we are a success story! Best of luck to you, sending lots of luck your way! Xxx
Over the moon for you!!!
Same symptoms with all 7 transfers more or less. This time that horrid periody feeling from around day 7. Then almost black blood on day 9. Convinced was another fail. BFP day 12 POAS!!! Waiting for viability scan next week 🙏🏼 Good luck!!! 🍀 👶🏼 ✨
Fantastic news for you enjoy every minute as much as you can x

I’m trying to be positive and enjoy it. 💖
hi, I had cramps and period pain and was 100%sure it failed. Took a test day7 was negative, day 9 first positive test although I felt like my period was about to start.Try to stay as calm and positive you can. Fingers crossed for you x x
Hope everything goes well for you xx
unfortunately started bleeding at 6 weeks and discovered a large subchorionic hematoma , 2 weeks later heartbeat stopped, just had my medicated miscarriage last week but hoping to recover soon and try again.I’m trying to see the positive part as was my 1st IVF attempt x
I am SO sorry 😔 totally rubbish you are so strong and absolutely good way to think ❤️