I am going for a potential 3day transfer. I have 2 eggs from 5 made it past fertilisation. Will a day 3 transfer decrease the likelihood of it working?
3 day transfer success stories! - Fertility Network UK
3 day transfer success stories!

Hi hunny your in the same boat as me, we had 5 eggs collected yesterday and only 2 fertilised, we are down for a 3 day transfer as long as they hang on in there! They we’re talking about a 2 day transfer this morning as they say there data shows no detrimental effect between a 2 day or 3 day transfer, but just based on the clinics schedule they are sticking to a day 3 this Thursday all being well. I’m just having to put all my faith in the embryologist and hope that they know what’s best for my little embies! I hope your feeling ok and not to sore after EC. I have to say I’m feeling a bit flat today, but know I should be grateful we have two as I’ve had a previous round where there was nothing to transfer!! Best of luck to you hunny x x
Hi. I had a three day transfer and am now 13 weeks pregnant! Be positive and remember that the best incubator for your embryos are inside of you where they belong. Xx
I've tried embryos of the age of 2, 4 and 5 days. The 4 days one was the one which was successful, even if it was a slow one at first (that was why they didn't frost it with the two 2 days old's). But what they told me at the clinique was that the longer they live and continue developing, the greater chance of success (statistically), since they by that proves they're strong. So if I was you, I wouldn't worry a thing about your little one being a 3 days old and not a 2 days old. If it fails, that's certainly not the reason why it did. But now we'll forget about the posdibility of failure for a while and cross our fingers and pray that you'll succeed ❤❤❤