please ladies help me out as my clinic are as ever absolutely useless !!!!
I was using the clear blue advanced purple test .. the one with flashing smileys turning into a solid when lh is detected . Been using once every morning since day 8 and have flashing smileys from day 10. Had 3 days of flashing and then my solid smiley yesterday morning . They then tell me I shouldn’t be using the digital as it doesn’t pinpoint well enough 😩 I have been using cheap opks ( one step ) and then started going positive today and my I think I’m having my surge today and my boobs are killing me which is common for me at ovulation . My transfer has been booked counting from yesterday when I told them I had my surge . But clearly it’s today 😩😩😩 have I messed it up ? Does one day out matter with natural fet ? I’m really beating myself up over it as it’s my last embryo and I feel so much pressure . X