7DP5DT and spotting / bleeding...help... - Fertility Network UK

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7DP5DT and spotting / bleeding...help?!?!?

Halli23 profile image
14 Replies

Good morning all,

I’m 7dp5dt today having had 2 x 4bb blasts put back and have resisted the many urges to test early. I’ve missed my FMU today and now I’m deeply regretting it. In the last hour I’ve started spotting pinkish / reddish when I wipe.

I had a very tiny amount of brown ish colour on a liner yesterday but then nothing, and now it’s changed colour. I don’t know whether it’s a flow yet as I’m being super lazy and haven’t gotten out of bed. It’s just been when I’ve wiped up to now! So as lovely as this sounds (sorry) ... it’s like a pinkish / reddish colour in your cervical mucous.

This is my 5th transfer and it’s the first time I’ve ever spotted or bled in 2WW and before OTD. I’m on a high amount of progesterone (4 pessaries and 1 lubion daily) so it’s really freaking me out. I’m not cramping that much, few here and there but nothing too bad. After my last fail I nearly passed out with pain from period cramps when I stopped taking meds, so I just don’t know if it’s my period?!

On one hand I want to cry my eyes out as it could be my period arriving... or could this be the mysterious implantation bleeding (that I’ve secretly always wanted as ‘a sign’) that now I don’t want. Or is it a sensitive cervix from all the pessaries? This is such a headf**k!! The only other ‘symptom’ I’ve noticed is that I’ve been feeling quite sick on and off since 3DP5DT which is not something I’ve had in the past attempts, but I think it’s the extra progesterone!?

I know the answer to this is to just wait until OTD to test... but I just needed to put it out there to all my other fellow warriors asking for anything similar happening to them! I know it’s so incomparable but it helps hearing other people’s stories somewhat.

What was your implantation bleeding like if you had it?

Have you ever started your period before OTD?

Would you take a test early after the above?

Oh the stress.... 😩

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Halli23 profile image
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14 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

This could be implantation bleeding! I have bled early in my cycles but I was on really low progesterone. Sounds like you are on high amounts so you should have that covered. I'm a serial early tester but you need to be prepared for which ever outcome you get. If its negative you really can feel like crap afterwards!! Hugs. Fingers crossed its those embryos getting snug!!xx

Halli23 profile image
Halli23 in reply to Cinderella5

That’s what I’m hoping... but hard to let myself go there!!! Having had 4 failed attempts, I’m almost welcoming something ‘new’ but it’s freaking me out more than I thought a bit of bleeding could! Oh man!

Negative tests I just can’t bear... I’d rather have a blood test and someone tell me over the phone so I don’t have to stare at it! They really affect me which is why I don’t really test early despite all the urges!

I hope your extra progesterone next month is what you need 🤞🏼

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Halli23

Absolutely scares the living daylights out of you seeing any spotting but I would say if it's not heavy then hang on in there. All sounds positive signs! I had 4 fails too before any BFPs and the 2ww never gets any easier! You dont have too long to go. Will keep my fingers crossed for you! Thank you for your well wishes too, I'm hopeful that its the missing piece of the jigsaw that can help my BFPS stick.xx

Kitcat12 profile image

I had IB with my fresh cycle, I had it at 7dpt and it was exactly as you've described here! Hope that's what's you're experiencing, good luck with testing, whenever you decide to go for it x

Halli23 profile image
Halli23 in reply to Kitcat12

Thanks Kitcat, I hope so too 🤞🏼

I’m so used to bad news at this point I just can’t shake the imminent period feeling after seeing the spots. But as long as it stays as spotting I suppose I can hold on to the hope!! Hubby wants to wait until the night before OTD so we can do it together and not have to rush off to work or anything. So we are waiting!

Congrats on your baby boy 💙 xxx

How long did your IB last for? Did it go in to s heavy flow or anything like that or just a day spotting?

I’m turning in to a crazy woman, I keep going to the toilet to check and it’s stull just spotting for me at this stage. Xx

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Halli23

Thanks my dear, I'm very lucky! If you can wait, that's definitely better, well done you for being patient. I literally had spotting when I wiped for a few hours, not even a full day. Didn't have anything this time until after my BFP. Very strange! x

Hope your ok fingers crossed it’s a good sign xx

Halli23 profile image
Halli23 in reply to

Thanks lovely, I hope so too but literally head is up my a*^e at this point not knowing what to think. The spotting has died down a little now so hope that means it’s not my period round the corner, tomorrow will tell!! It’s not a symptom I’ve had before so I really don’t know what to think.

Had some friends round for dinner this eve which has taken my mind off it a little, but now they’re gone I seem to be back on knicker watch 🤦🏼‍♀️ what are we bloody like!

How are you doing? Not given in to any testing yet? X

in reply to Halli23

I can imagine you are but I have everything crossed for you. Try and stay busy if you can.

I’m not great have been pretty low the last two days and cried quite a bit. I feel exactly how I have on every other round so feel like I know the result. I haven’t tested have been tempted to test over next few days but hubby doesn’t want to. Xx

How are you doing today xx

Halli23 profile image
Halli23 in reply to

I thought I’d replied to you yesterday 🙈

I’m sorry that you’ve been feeling so low, I know that feeling and there’s nothing that can drag you out of it quickly!! I had that the first 2 days after transfer, cried none stop and then hated myself for being sad and stressed on potential ‘implanting days’... but have managed to keep it at bay a bit since.

Spotting had completely gone this morning after the drama of yesterday, tiny weeny bit of brown around 3ish but nothing again now. Have some cramps so who bloody knows what’s going on?!

Hubby here doesn’t want to test either! He’s very ‘sensible’ about it and says what would be the point of the earlier sadness and what ifs if it’s a BFN and I’ll just think that’s it ‘too early’ anyway!

48 more hours to go 😩🙏🏻

Had a read of your past posts y’day... sorry it’s been such a journey! This is go number 5 for me too. The only difference I’ve done with this round is the lead up to it, I have been nowhere near as strict with myself and have eaten as I wished and allowed myself some drinks!

Had a holiday at the start of August where FAR TOO MUCH Sangria was consumed every day. And then a much more laid back holiday at the end of August a week before stimming started and I had a glass of wine with dinner each night. And it was the best fresh round we’ve had so far so maybe the relaxing a little more has helped?! Pure luck if you ask me!

Hope you’re feeling a little better today...? Xx

in reply to Halli23

That’s ok lovely 😊.

I am better today as went back to work so have been distracted. Whenever I felt my mind was wondering I got up and spoke to someone. Although people at work know they don’t understand so had a few remarks about but why are you so emotional and surely if they did what they should have (made it to blastocyst) there is no reason it wouldn’t work 🤦‍♀️.

I am glad you are feeling better and have everything crossed it was implantation bleeding. Not long to go now you can do this.

You have had a long journey too and deserve this. I think relaxing before a round is the best thing to do xx

Halli23 profile image
Halli23 in reply to

I’m better in work too, I only took a day or two off after transfer as I’d go crazy at home on my own!

You’re brave telling people at work, only a handful of my close people at work know what’s going on. I kind of like hearing everyone’s usual every day moans and groans whilst they are blissfully unaware of mine as it distracts me! And as you say people just don’t understand so I can’t face the explaining.

Oh man, those comments from your colleagues 🤦🏼‍♀️ but very typical of someone not going through it.

My feeling better didn’t last very long... 9dp5dt today and I’m having really intense cramps. If I wasn’t on knicker watch i’d say my period was here with full force. But it’s not, I just have the cramps. I can’t remember having them this bad in any of my other rounds, I’m sure they come only when my period is actually here? Why does this process have a way of stopping your brain from functioning properly. I feel sick too, although that’s probably how nervous and shit that this is making me.

I’m obsessively googling now (bad move) and can find both pros and cons for intense cramping on this day so still none the wiser... which I knew before I started the googling.

Officially fed up. 😩 xx

in reply to Halli23

I am officially fed up too. But have resigned myself to the fact it will be a bfn.

I haven’t told everyone at work but those I work closely with do know.

Not long to go now for you 😊. Will be thinking of you xx

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