I guess I am just looking for some advice and good news stories. I had my egg retrieval yesterday. I was a slow responder to stimulation but managed to get about 4 follicles on either ovary to the right kind of size. They managed to get 2 eggs which I was really disappointed with. However received the devastating call this morning to say that both eggs were dying after icsi. That both eggs had a dark colour. I have stage 4 endo with kissing ovaries. I felt that ivf was worth a shot particularly as I had reduced my endo pain through diet and exercise. This was our first ivf. I had hoped we would a number survive and that we could freeze them in case something went wrong during future surgery.
I am on a nhs waiting list for endo surgery but I know the wait is very long, so now exploring private surgery options. I am also on the list for ivf on the nhs.
I guess I am wondering if anyone else has been in a similar position. I am 36. What did you do? I feel like I have failed my husband. I forced him to take a load of supplements to help with his low morphology and low mobility… which improved his sample yesterday. His sample was normal. It was my eggs that couldn’t survive. Does anyone have any good news stories to give me hope?