I had three failed rounds of solo ivf July to November last year, but then my whole world seemed to crash down around me and I had to take a break. I knew taking a six month break at my age was not an ideal thing, but I just couldn't cope.
Now I am starting my solo ivf journey again, on a very tight budget, and am looking for any tips or suggestions for someone my age trying to do this? Any suggestions of good affordable clinics in Europe (that will take single women) would also be gratefully received.
I have been taking supplements, no alcohol or caffeine, but my physical health could do with some work (my depression has meant I have not exercised or been looking after myself that well). I have been on antidepressants for 25yrs, so also have been counter-acting raised prolactin levels with Dostinex. My AMH was 1.88ng/ml in August 2023, so likely to be much lower now.
I realise ivf at 43 is pretty unlikely to work, but really want to give it one last try.
Thank you everyone!