Vaginal Microbiome/BV/Infection - Update - Fertility Network UK

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Vaginal Microbiome/BV/Infection - Update

Cornish131 profile image
37 Replies

Hello 😊

I’m at a bit of a loss of what to do! So myself and my partner are TTC and it’s been well over a year. Since September whenever we have sex I seem to get what I think is BV. The only symptom I get is the strong odour, nothing else. My partner has no symptoms.

My drs have checked for STI’s, clear. None of the test have confirmed BV. One test last month came back as x2 forms of Strep so had the antibiotics and also a course of vaginal probiotics. I’m now using PH balance shower gel and taking flora probiotics every day.

I’m in my ovulation phase and we’ve had sex twice and it’s come back already. I’ve ordered a Vaginal Microbiome Screening from Daye. I’ll also contact my drs again tomorrow. I’ve looked at all of the BV pessaries and gels and they all say they can’t be used when trying to conceive.

We’ve tried everything and it’s still happening, making trying for a baby even that bit more difficult.

Has anyone had similar? 🙏🏻


BV has returned 💔 last swab confirmed BV so the dr prescribed antibiotics. I also bought the same for my partner and we both finished the course, feeling hopeful. Prior to this I done a microbiome screening through Daye and that also confirmed BV as my good bacteria lactobacilli was at 5% and harmful bacteria was 63%. So we continued TTC as I’m ovulating and lo and behold, BV has returned. I’m so heartbroken as it means another month of no baby! I’m taking probiotics and I’ve also bought some for my partner. I’ve been back in contact with the GP. I’m also going to spend the next month trying to increase my lactobacilli and do 7 days of Balance Activ and then 7 days of Canesflor. I’m honestly stuck on what to do! I’ve spent all day crying 😂

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Cornish131 profile image
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37 Replies
Sweetaholic profile image

I've never had BV, but I used to get thrush after sex all the time. In the end, we also treated my husband for it too, as my GP told me that even though men don't show symptoms, in rare instances they can be carriers. So might be worth your partner having some form of treatment too? I now also make my hubby shower beforehand too. It takes the spontaneity out of sex, but I haven't had any issues since lol.

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toSweetaholic

Well I’ve had the antibiotics for BV even though it came back negative, metronidazole. Then when it came back positive for strep on the next test I needed penicillin, so they also prescribed some for my partner. But clearly that didn’t work as it’s come after having sex 2 nights in a row 😂 which kind of makes it difficult when trying for a baby as you need to have sex…. But equally don’t want to 😂

Blahblahblahxxx profile image
Blahblahblahxxx in reply toCornish131

Just came to say similar to Cornish131. I had recurring thrush especially around ovulation time due to sex. My husband got treated too, so I would say get your partner checked. We both got treatment and I now take a vaginal probiotics and it seems to have solved the issue.

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toBlahblahblahxxx

My partner was prescribed the penicillin last month when it was picked up on my swab there was x2 strains of strep. But there’s clearly something else going on 😂 I’ve had metronidazole before but the drs said there’s no point my partner having it as men can’t carry the bacteria so my partner didn’t have that antibiotic. I used the Canesflor after the penicillin, is that the one you use?

Blahblahblahxxx profile image
Blahblahblahxxx in reply toCornish131

Hmm do you think it could be a combination of things maybe?

I had BV which was treated and never came back so I think it was just a one off but then kept getting thrush every month after TTC. I was even testing positive for thrush (swabs at the fertility clinic) despite having no symptoms when I thought it was all sorted!

I used Canesflor and also started taking the Optibac probiotics for women which I am still taking daily and so far so good 🤞

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toBlahblahblahxxx

I honestly have no idea as I’ve never had this issue 😂 and the only symptom I have is the odour after sex for a few days. Which is then not nice whilst TTC, so it’s currently a viscous cycle.

After the penicillin for the strep they picked up on my swabs I think I may have had a bout of thrush as there was the itching. I done the Canesflor pessaries once I finished the antibiotics and it soon went.

But I’m now ovulating so having more sex and the nasty odour is back. It’s honestly horrific 😂 as I’m probably extra clean and always have been so I feel so dirty and grim.

I’ve ordered the vaginal microbiome test from Daye so I’m hoping that’ll give me an answer. I’ve also started taking Jarrow Formulas Femdophilus probiotics but they’re only 1 billion and has x2 strains so I’m thinking maybe it’s not high enough x

Blahblahblahxxx profile image
Blahblahblahxxx in reply toCornish131

Fingers crossed 🤞 hopefully it gets sorted for you as it's a hard enough process let alone adding this into the mix!

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toBlahblahblahxxx

It’s such a pain! As we do have 1 child already. Took a while to conceive and was about to start IVF but never had these issues. Now trying for our second and it’s been well over a year but now these issues have come up 🤦🏼‍♀️ x

Blahblahblahxxx profile image
Blahblahblahxxx in reply toCornish131

I never had the thrush issue with my first either and we were trying for 3 years.Trying a year this time and has the thrush issue 🤷🏼‍♀️

It's great being a women!

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toBlahblahblahxxx

So weird isn’t it!

Definitely takes the fun out of trying for a baby.

I’ve also ordered another test this evening for ureaplasma. I found out about it on the Fertilysis instagram page. I’m willing to try anything at this point 😂

TTC0011 profile image

Hello, it could be a recurrent infection. I found out that I had endometritis (not to be confused with endometriosis) after a biopsy and that was the cause of my recurrent infection. Did your partner get the antibiotics too? You could be passing it back and forth to each other

No PH shower gel (water only to clean - came from multiple gynaecologists that one), gentle washing powder for underwear, look at chemicals might be in your pads or tampons for your period, same with what toilet paper you use, antibiotics for both partners, specific probiotics tailored for this type of infection and canesflor. When I looked at all that, I managed to clear it up (for now).

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toTTC0011

Ah ok! Did you have that privately or via the NHS? It’s just so weird because I have no other symptoms. No discharge, no itching, nothing. It’s literally just the odour after we have sex and it’ll last a few days.

I currently use comfort pure and fairy non bio pods, which I’ve used forever. Maybe I’ll stop using any shower gels then! As I’m currently using Lactacyd as that’s supposedly an intimate daily wash. Just last month I switched from tampax tampons to Flo pads.

I done Canesflor last month after the penicillin, do you mean do it after antibiotics or more often?

Kate-92 profile image

hello, this happened with me & my husband - it was only when my friend suggested that we both take the antibiotics not just myself that it cleared and NEVER returned ! You can pass back and forth which sounds like logic, but I never realised and always assumed it was an issue with myself. It used to drive me insane - like you I was back and forth to the drs and they didn’t ever really seem bothered and told me to try various creams / pessaries of which all were a load of rubbish ! I actually ended up buying the antibiotics myself online. Just something to consider x

Kate-92 profile image
Kate-92 in reply toKate-92

Just read comments, I took the longer course of metrodonazole and he took the 1 day course x

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toKate-92

I said the exact same thing to my drs! As they prescribed me metronidazole and I said about my partner and they said no as men cannot carry the bacteria. Then the month after when I done a swab and it came back there was strains of strep they prescribed me penicillin and agreed to prescribe some for my partner.

But it clearly wasn’t that as it’s come back again this month. I also have looked online for the antibiotics 😂 maybe I’ll do that! X

Kate-92 profile image
Kate-92 in reply toCornish131

Get the antibiotics from your drs for yourself & order online for yourself for your husband. When I tried to do under my husbands name it declined ! But there are ways around it & I think had we of not medicated ourselves we would still be battling back and forth ! x

Or you could ask the dr to prescribe a couple of doses to prevent an additional visit and say if it happens again I want to take this further - they maybe more likely to give you the 2 then ! It’s a nightmare x Really hope you get sorted soon x

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toKate-92

That’s what I was going to do last time 😂 basically pretend to be me ordering online.

I’ve sent a form to my GP this morning saying it needs further investigating etc. so I’ll see what they come back with. Then I think I’m going to order the antibiotics for myself and my partner.

Was it the metronidazole? X

Kate-92 profile image
Kate-92 in reply toCornish131

Yes that’s what we both used - i used the 400mg 14 tablets and he used the 2000mg 5 tablet single dose. I bought from Superdrug online x let me know how it goes ! I’ll be made up for you if it resolves your issue 🙏🏼🤞🏼

Kate-92 profile image
Kate-92 in reply toKate-92

I also used balance activ before finally getting to the bottom of things which helped, but I found the more things I used the worse it got as I was constantly interfering. I took pro biotics in tablet form too as felt they could only help x

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toKate-92


I’m going in the drs today for another swab. So I think my plan is see what the results of that is. Also the microbiome vaginal screening test to come. Then wait for my period. If that then also comes I’ll order the antibiotics 😂

Kate-92 profile image
Kate-92 in reply toCornish131

You know what I’d just take them - well that’s what I did because I was bloody sick of it x but honestly, I haven’t had it since 🤞🏼

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toKate-92

Well I’m waiting on the Daye test to arrive as I paid £100 for it 😂 once I’ve done that I’ll order the antibiotics x

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toKate-92

Well I had another swab at the drs and confirmed BV, so he prescribed me the antibiotics and I bought my partner the same. We’ve finished the course and it’s still come back! I’m so gutted 😕 I’m taking probiotics and I’ve also now bought some for him. I done the Daye Microbiome screening and that confirmed BV. I’m just at a loss! Going to have to give up on TTC this month and do a solid 7 days on the balance activ gel and then 7 days of canesflor. Also go back to the drs 🙄 xx

Kate-92 profile image
Kate-92 in reply toCornish131

Oh god - I feel for you, It’s so annoying x I really hope that you get sorted soon x

Natasha2012 profile image

also interested in this . I am awaiting an Emma / Alice test as suggested by consultant . Just to warn you nhs tests are not sensitive , I tested negative for bv but a swab by screen me showed a form of bv, I was recommended pro biotic orally and vaginally as my good bacteria was at 75% so low but not drastically . Good luck - I didn’t even consider this was hindering my ivf but it’s a emerging area of study xx

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toNatasha2012

This is why I’m trying the Daye microbiome tests as the drs keep saying it’s not BV. I have no idea what else it could be as we’ve done all the STI tests as well.

Out of interest what probiotics was you recommended? As I’ve just started taking some. I also done the vaginal probiotics after the antibiotics last month x

Natasha2012 profile image

balance activ bv gel but only after period and between ovulation . Canesflor pro biotics again between those times and an oral nature plus nutra pro biotic . Do you have any symptoms ? I had slight burning and discomfort . Xx

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toNatasha2012

Yeah I bought some balance activ yesterday then seen it said not to use whilst trying to conceive 🤦🏼‍♀️😂so that was useful as I’m ovulating at the minute.

The only symptom I have is the nasty smell. Otherwise absolutely nothing else. X

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toNatasha2012

I’m also taking the Jarrow Formulas Femdophilus 1 billion probiotics. But I’m thinking maybe it’s not a high enough strength and from looking on the ingredients it only provides x2 strains x

Spicycurry profile image

I’m not TTC naturally anymore but I always use probiotics before and after sex especially something like canesbalance. It can be bad for sperm but I also use Vagibiom when I’m doing a transfer. I also wee and shower straight afterwards. I find the best thing is to use canesbalance when you’re able to (after ovulation) and Vagibiom. I use canesflor with canesbalance at night and Vagibiom in the morning so 2 a day. Oral probiotics only work to treat ibs, digestion and strengthen immune system. I took oral probiotics for 2 years without any help. When I started probiotics twice a day, I was better. But I always use canesbalance or balance activ as well.

Natasha2012 profile image
Natasha2012 in reply toSpicycurry

Can I ask where you get your VagiBIOM from ? Xx

Spicycurry profile image
Spicycurry in reply toNatasha2012


Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toSpicycurry

Ah ok! Yeah I’ve been too worried to use anything whilst ovulating or the two week wait as I’m scared it’ll do something 😂 but interesting about the Canesflor and vagibiom. So once your period has finished you’ll do a course of those before ovulation? I bought balance activ yesterday but it says not to use it whilst trying to conceive so too worried to use it whilst ovulating 😂

Spicycurry profile image
Spicycurry in reply toCornish131

You can use Flora Femme or canesflor anytime on its own. If you were doing IVF, you’d have more flexibility. Vagibiom and canesbalance with canesflor is safe in two week wait. Canesbalance is only bad for sperm.

Spicycurry profile image

vaginal probiotics twice a day was a game changer I mean.

orangecatmum profile image

Oh this sounds a lot like me! I discovered I had BV for the first time last year a few months after a miscarriage and ever since then I have been battling it. It affects conception and pregnancy so I was so keen to get rid of it!

After a few rounds of antibiotics and gels, it kept coming back so I ended up doing a vaginal microbiome test by Invivo Healthcare (recommended by my fertility acupuncturist Hannah Pearn) and it discovered all my levels of lactobactillus were off and I also had high levels of ureaplasma, possibly given to me from my boyfriend. I saw a private doctor who put me on a course on Canesbalance gel and then the pessaries, as well as an antibiotic and 2 different vaginal probiotics, and Symprove.

For now, we are just starting our first round of IVF so we haven't had sex for a few months due to all the above treatment but also because I am so scared of it coming back and ruining our IVF cycle!

If you haven't listened to Hannah Pearn's podcast Dont Tell Me To Relax I really recommend, she has an episode all about the importance of the vaginal microbiome during TTC

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply toorangecatmum

Funny you mention ureaplasma as I literally ordered a test for it about 10 minutes ago as I seen a post about it on the Fertilysis instagram page! So that’ll arrive this week hopefully.

I ordered a vaginal microbiome test yesterday from Daye. So will be interesting to see the results from that as well.

My GP also done another swab today and urine sample.

Out of interest what vaginal probiotics did they recommend? As I used the Canesflor last month after having penicillin. And which antibiotic did they put you on? I’ve already been on 2 so wondering if I’ve already had them haha

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